
Once upon a time dr bonez housed 15 videos on a now defunct vlog site.

These remnants were accidentally unearthed while digging around for something else in a dusty corner of a retired hard drive.

Our motto was, “The only good foolozofer is a dead one.” Our test, “Is this the right kind of nonsense?”

Who knows, maybe these brews have mellowed with age. Uncork to taste and see.
  1. Why philosophy
  2. Time dime
  3. Enlightenment counts
  4. Wabi-sabi reality
  5. Not who but where that counts
  6. Death dies life lives
  7. When healthy get treatment
  8. Truth is error on fire
  9. All is good
  10. We are universe selfies
  11. Many are one
  12. Games aren’t just games
  13. God is wholly other
  14. Likes need dislikes
  15. Chop wood carry water