
What if this world is an ongoing disruption happening in the the void of emptiness? Like a rock tossed into an otherwise tranquil lake sending out a rolling wave of existence. Where the point of conception at the apex of creation is sourced where this world’s breakthrough takes place.

The star surfer Entropy rides the clear light crest to the sandy beach end of time. Existence washing in and out on a hungry night. If to exist is to become extinguished.

To assume why this might be the volcano’s dead center is to risk why there’s anything at all. As in flying arm spread winged spiral in perpetual free fall.

Redefining how the worth of all is measured. A transvalued yardstick for worldview’s worldly re-estimation.

If to transvalue is to reverse engineer this home-town business. To relocate this temporal space wrinkle vehicle.

Where undulating waves top foam ocean crest same water creation. How did emptiness become so self-aware?

Ripples of world troubled water. You and me. Strife the spice of life.

Hidden significance for why? Is each body worlds of many? I seen to eye.

Drumhead slams rhythmic heartbeat spinning tops. Shock thunder cymbal crash one another rang.

Keyboard tap-taps punch holes in electron paper walls. Shutter button camera clicks make world action flicks. Word worlds flown bullet targets unknown.

Charge. Discharge. Recharge. Switch tripped. On off on goes going gone.

One pattern. Spells-it-out. Shouts-it-down.

“If it isn’t bothered, nothing holy hollers.” More than death’s wish. This lust for life?

Sings the turbulence reaching for its own high pitch existence. If only to empty emptiness this once.

End-stop get-go. Inverse-reverse finds reversion verse.

Brook of fiery sulfuric underworld inhabitants bubble free.

Vortex of blown fissure. Voided-void did bode. Becoming be.

“Where was I?” “What kind of place was this?” “Was it me?”

Like if the problem was “where” the who-boo shadow fades. If when here tames the reign.

Did suns feel ecstatic to shine-out as rainbow interstellar dusted glory? Did something go wrong on the merry-go-round ground-hog zero-sum day? As if oneness could get the one done?

Can enlightenment help? If only to exposes the underbelly of arriving departing cork pop nothing more?

Salvation floats beached reach. Billow incurably hullabaloo rain clouds too.

Would to transvalue it all reverse-inverse the fall? Such a great all around down hill view.

If so, what if rebirth of consciousness was possible? Glove-pulled hand-off upside-down inside-out wiggle naked knuckle.

Tricky business. Separation reparation. Green buds sprout from petrified dead trees attracting honey bees.

Figurative answers impregnate literal question corpses birthing theory. Pondering peep hole deep to creep though forbidden locked doors. Revealed when most concealed.

Is total solar eclipse at high noon moon lit power enough to evoke things with words made possible?