
What if the esoteric meaning of "crucifixion" theologically defined in a philosophical manner was the death of death?

Not the end of life.

While there’s no proof that such might be even possible there might arise fresh hope despite.

Because if possible the end might not be the end as common definition supposes.

Instead it might nail death to cross demise.

Considering how life might die if its inherent capacity is to live.

While death might die if its nature is to bring things to their untimely end.

Suggesting that nothing fundamentally changes if loss can't get lost.

Even if untrue the prospect the end could end itself might make death's death a hypothetical possibility.

Taking the lid off boxed reality narrative imperative.

By simply asking if the end itself could end.

Might a door open to a fatal final finality.

As if proof's swinging door swings two-ways.

Supposing everything appears stamped with an expiration date.

With what's bottled inside possessing limited shelf "life".

Because if nothing lasts why should that condition persist individually indefinite infinite.

As last stone turned-over reveals the long awaited longevity prize. 

Short-circuiting the notion that impermanence must be permanent.

If destination's end stops the journey's end.

Could what's possible say no-no be so.

Since being there before conception was at spot mercy.

Of what's unknown unforeseen unexpected before imagined.

Able to knee-jerk what wasn't into what still isn't.

As if the seal to what's possible pried open surprise.

While noting that nothing conclusive may be notably noted.

As what might occur in eternity basket maternity.

If so, why not wonder that when the end arrives it might not be the moment doom room is empty.

Like an opening that might take this moment motionless forward.

Inconclusively liberated from iconoclast cataclysm of know.

As if the hinge that it hangs on got unhinged.

If so, could death's death be what makes life possible?