Loss lost

What if this world that’s being seen, heard and felt was a disturbance happening in and of the fluid ocean of emptiness?

Assuming that’s the case would it allow for something new to emerge as this worldly whirlwind?

Supposing to be consciously conscious of being a world amounts to being its creator.

As the ground of emptiness from which an edifice of existence is constantly being constructed.

If so, to exist is to create a world. One that’s uniquely ours.

Making each a jostled emptiness. Centered in a creation of our own making.

Overlapping. Bumping into each other.

Who knows.

Making each their own tik-tok. Arising as a singular spatial point of origin.

Where metaphysics is the unspoken metaphor to magically contain this world.

An unsung door teeming with transformational possibilities.

Because if it’s all erupting from the same volcanic source each instance of a world should follow the same flaming pattern of dancing come and go.

Making what was in the beginning the same as in the end. The void.

Able to muddy its own waters to know itself as itself. Texturing itself as a weathering barn door for traction.

Could there be a way to break the cycle of comings and goings in and out of existence? Without sacrificing existence permanently by a return trip to forever emptiness?

A way of redeeming my body my world? As if recreating it anew.

If the problem is that in order to exist the void has to be disturbed what if it was possible to dissolve such problemata?

Dissolve it by giving-up the immortality dream as an impermanent predicament.

What if it was possible to void the void? Working from the foundation up.

Able to re-imagine one’s existence as a permanent, perfect and complete instance of a tweaked void.

By causing the original lossless emptiness to loose it’s potential to exist through loss.

Supposing if the original creation was without wave disturbance, it might have the potential to be shaken as an always open possibility.

What if a metamorphosis was possible within the void’s nature itself?

An advantage perhaps of not needing something metaphysical new to happen from scratch. By using the old to rebirth the new.

If what gets disturbed does so because the original condition has a potential for loss, its very loosing nature might be used as the seed of its own undoing.

Because that might set the stage to trigger a loss of loss.

If so, what kind of crazy unheard of magic might pull that puppy off? Capable of voiding the void based on loss lost.

What if Christ’s crucifixion was blood magic tricked enough to pull such an ultimate metastasis off?

Transmigrating the original lossless emptiness into a new kind of void. One based on the possibility of loss as the point to start loosing itself.

Sourcing a new creation to an emptied emptiness. Breaking the coming and going cycle without dissolving the creation back into the void.

Paving the way for a new kind of existence.

If so, the second start could be the beginning of a permanent existence.

Everything the original universe based on a lossless emptiness was incapable.

If so, real starts should be found at any destination’s end. The point where what’s fundamentally new becomes possible.