Deciduous evergreen

Consider a
broken circle
stretched out
looks line like.

What's on one
side of the gap
still on the other.

Making the start
the finish
the finish
the star.

Bilateral bilocated
bidirectional allocated
fiction friction
blossom free.

Hypostatic union
going straight
each fate.

Not one not two
united separate
rotate essences
spatial lit time
travel unravel.

Without origin
there not there
arising forgotten
spotless nowhere.

Broken breakthrough
out in
resource source-less
emptiness framed
nail hung
world blessing.

Spun sun
galaxy outstretch
arms hug tight
night fright.

Tattoo serenade

When it surfaces

dried on memory wall

the question remains

what if what's shown 

separates what is

from as if.
Since it might go down

how can X be Y?

As X seems only

pretending to be

what it cannot

ever be.

The Y.

Branded  to keep

what's hidden deep

as if being asleep

was lit awake

within the void's

clear light.
Commentary: Things might have been different if someone had just spent the night.

Enchanted delusion

Stuck in customs

what was is to come

mystery galore foregone

canvass bone space

obsidian knife note cut

up rhythmic hill rote note

syncopate spun tote

hair string pluck struck

raindrop swung bell hung

down vortex mystery lit

heartbeat entwine fine

days tell short inhale rail

nights long exhale hell

open porthole few flew

radiant eye shut through

full moon eclipse true

glove inverse-reverse out

forehead ashen smudge 

heavy lift barbell memory

extract redact abstract

alley pavement dice stop

dying death die dead.