Yikes bites

What if dreams revealed things being consciously conscious couldn't know?
doomed conception
moon spun cocoon.

Overnight baked
oven hot thought
daily flesh afresh.

a voice
strobe shattered this
waking promenade
of sundial shadows.

"There's nothing to fear."

As if
a universe
with a shelf life
might possess
underestimated value.

bedtime demise
arise overly

rousing the dead's
summertime slumber
might go sideways

Since a relation
relating to itself
is self-aware
measured momentarily.

Sure bet
shown might be
down there
overthrown unknown.

While deeds indeed
might be doing done
closing curtain time
sold out
last show time.

shocker thunderbolt
surfaced hand held
key surprise?

Spread open show
season's dream
flowered reason.

Wonder how
to flee
might still be.

Chisel embossed
sculpture stone
on petrified bone.

Before daybreak
broke sourdough bread
consuming form
chewing time.

There where
tried to untie
the infinite knot
of such disbelief.
Commentary:  A movie projectionist once remarked to an associate, “At 24 fps the brain doesn’t process separate frames fast enough giving rise to the illusion of life.”

Sundown runaround

 Is this moment lizard head tail gone here?
duh huh
random happens
change rages
locution location
exception inspection
dialectical dialogue
verse inverse
sundown bound
fate awaits

hand drummed
foot cranked

eye heard
ear seen

it all had to stop
as things do

who might suppose
someone knew
start starts
within end's end

window screen
flew open
latch shut abrupt

wind blew through
these parted fingers

sailing tailwind
flaming cloud high
drowning sky low

enshrined in time
spider web lines
constellation defined

captive caption driven
scrolling hill seeking

the unthinkable
Commentary: What if this universe became possible the instant a birthday party's blindfolded guest pinned tail on the donkey?

Diddle riddle

Indwell: to exist as an inner activating spirit, force, or principle. -wordnet
● || ●

Spoof proof aloof

flimflam calamity

this isn’t that
that isn’t this
this was that
that this
isn't isn't

flip flop spun top
crawled Pandora's
box out
confusion delusion ruse
this in that
that in this
fusion illusion busted
persona non grata

bilateral bilocated singularity
collated collaterally
unique essential essence
individuated difference

self in other
other in self

when where self aware

intact a fact
anytime any space
irrespective of here there

tipsy toed top
hot to trot
this in that that in this
shooting star
hard to miss

rear view mirror
backwards look
switch on

landed two feet fact
everything in tact

all in all
all in
in all.