
Suppose narratives weren't more than baskets of applied theories.

Not to be questioned since they're needed for a stable order.

If so, would hypothetical truths be needed for worldview sustainability?

Where pretending things known is needed.

Making rational argument presumption necessary.

Sprinkled with supportive facts.

Nesting in a foundational set of assurances.

As mother hen protects eggs true.

To show their feathered colors through cracked shells.

For example:

What if the local drum circle defied what art supposedly is.

Like art needs an audience if not sales to be considered art.

Noted a drum circle can create percussion music without anyone standing around to listen.

It's all-hands-on-deck participation without an onstage-offstage structure.

As in no fandom no problem.

Pattern arising randomly spontaneous.

Drummers pick-up the beat.

Percussion music takes flight like it's a mind-of-its-own orchestrated flock of blackbirds.

Able to skyward pivot in intensity tempo rhythmic beat.

What if the circle was perforated by a drum circle spirit?

Hidden while making cohesion possible.

Would such a theory be worth considering?

Instead maybe all drummers have gotten on the same right-brain page.

Assuming the right-brain can process information without needing fixed boundaries.

No daemon need apply.

As each drummer might be able to pick-up movement cues in real time.

Then there's the possibility of telepathic interconnection.

As possible interlacing magic-like action.

Making what's unconscious conscious irrespective of spatial-temporal differences.

Suppose whatever explanation given for what makes drum circle music tick seemed plausible.

Then a preference for one explanation stood up.

Not to unquestionably resolve what makes a drum circle possible.

To point a direction to proceed.

Like, "Let's drum if it's a mystery anyway."

Since supposing what's proposed could be meaningful or meaningless.

Worthwhile or worthless.

Make a difference or not.

Since not knowing which was on the table wagering an inside bet it might be worth the effort turned the trick.

If so, to act on what's assumed true as if it was true might be the way forward.


If consciousness
has a final goal
what, if anything,
might it look like?

Suppose it went
down like this:

Dual consciousness splits
"know thyself' nonduality
one-off consciousness
by gosh bye golly as
sacred sacral sacrificed
two tasty sanctum
mutually exclusive
diametrically opposed
complementarity even
inclusive enchilada
stately held wholes
served steamy plate
hot to trot

ripe for traffic signal
red yellow green
flip flash trip
bilateral bifurcated
bilocated bidirectional
not one not two

with interlocking
essential natures
that never fuse in
confused diffusion

all participating
each in each
as fully engaged
in respect to
every aspect

able to make wants
and needs known
in seemingly random
dicey chance events
irrespective of
spatial distance
temporal timeline
definitive defines

as if what if
the underlying reason
anything exists anyway
wasn't to service
the powers-that-be
this-worldly agenda

like a breakdown
breakthrough breakout
spectral  bespectacled
spectator speculation
reclamation repopulation

having muddled through
anthropocentric mud
of existential
existence experience
unexpectedly flowered
lotus blossom
liberated deliberation
highfalutin nincompoop
unabashed balderdash
without doubt

only to suppose
the mayhem of
maybe took
a new route
on the
inside chance
there might
be something
to it.

Could being as clueless
as the day is long
make all the
distance difference
on when the sun sets?