Death’s heartbeat

If it was possible
to fly by the seat of the pants
wearing a veil of ignorance
having entered a cloud of unknowing
what might the veil be made of?

Might be the unplanned
confluent arranged correspondences
between who knowingly knows
and everyone's everyday existential

Like material object spun
on potter wheel's
sensory symbols
inhabiting metaphorical worlds
of spun kaleidoscope glass.

All within a one channel
interpenetration of bidirectional flow
these diametrically opposed wholes
move without fusion or confusion.

Ripe for putting band aids
on the wound of
brush bruised broken
painted beingness
as the final touch.

As if dying one's death
wasn't enough until
dead died dead
still wasn't enough
within amazement maze
wander wonder lust
lost artworlds apart
who done did it
profoundly pronounced

Since sincerely sinful
Tree of Knowledge
produces intoxicating
wisdom fruit
ready good to go
take out eat treats
cinnamon buns friendly.

If the way out of
rabbit holly hot whole
wasn't to transform
all death sentence periodical
periods into question marked
playground parks
way back when then
might as well been now.

On the horizon waterline fall
of what's unconsciously
spigot sprocket spiked went
consciously conscious
conspicuously auspicious
unknowable unallowable.
In order to find
the "who" whereabouts
of where the "am"
is hiding
in duly ordained
ornate orient orientation
that button down "I" might
propose marriage vow
to white dress "me".

Outside of a chrysalis
jailhouse holographic
symbolically sensible world
as if batch hatched
underworld underbelly
upside down.

Where talking
wisdom stones
learn to dance.

Devolved involvement

devolved involvement
detached detachment
deconstructed obstruction

Godsend: something sent by God
an unexpected acquisition or
 piece of good fortune - Webster

revelation reviler revolution
letting go bygone

ride incurably systemic
pathological trail tails

less dysfunctional rails
invitation hand extended

winebibber wizen wizard
death slay heyday

at days end
childlike terrestrial play
off racetrack hacks
swing swung swings
up slide down 
monkey bar work
ground powder abound

Ground zero

Mindset: A habitual or characteristic mental attitude that determines how you will interpret and respond to situations. - wordnet

Skillset: A collection of skills and abilities that can be applied to a professional or creative endeavor.  - merriam-webster

Imagine the skillset literally explicit.

While the mindset figuratively tacit.

Like body's world filled with universal particulars.

What if a deconstructive deliteralizing of what's literally true might be what's needed?

For a breakthrough breakout from skillset egg to mindset butterfly.

As if an invitation to the cremation ground's party had arrived.

With skillset's unthinkable goal locate it's thinkable mindset's hand.

Opened like a letter's early morning leafy raindrop.
find the poem
do the assume
deluded is concluded
frayed at edges
prose did pose
chilled elixir distilled
Commentary:  What if God's graveyard was the Devil's playground?