
What if to enter noob mindset lightening lit shock hit?

As awestruck night sky strike forthright.

Awestruck:  having or showing a feeling of mixed reverence and respect and wonder and dread.  - WordNet

Because this shot in the dark did land.

Dead pan sweet double-darkness hand raised sword.

Able to suppose something systemically amiss with bliss.

For why does anything exist?

"Leave it to Plato," some say.

What if Shakespeare's day knew the clue.

That unsuccessful attempt to fix what's wrong.

Might unintentionally uproot that wither tree.

From grounds grounded down to branches spread up.

If to doubt the granite of what's granted already.

As chisel form freed uncut block awareness.

Letting knowledge chips fly table forgiveness.

As ailing aliens from lost word worlds collide.

Supposing a theory of reality assumed true.

To raise-up thumb's certainty eternity.

Delivers hypothetical blow to Achilles Heel.

"I told you so!"

Fig leaf cover-up ride to hide way down there.

During wiki steamy hot ice sweat lodge session.

Where summer rain blue hues come due.

Carnival perfection cotton candy eaten confection.

As fading fads of facts made factual.

Clouds claim their dust particles caught.

Marvel fallback hero rescue did step stone back.

"Only believe" says, Blessed  Faith.

No experience necessary to start.

Noob's hobby horse rocks corner off levity free.

Letting  imagination ride on.

Thunder mountain magic knee.

If clear slate noob mindset had hoop swoosh cheer.

Imagined rim shot threw tight right.

It's time to tag team true.

Who knew?

During imagination-investigation recess time-out.

This world abounds full circle around.

If so, did Eden lost become Eden refound.

As Death's refund policy.


Why might Saint Paul have said, " out your own salvation with fear and trembling."

Alongside Buddha, "Work out your liberation with diligence."

Might it be because a call to an inner adventure is possible?

That could pick-up where the car chase leaves off.

Like a caveat disclosure warning that viewing this content may be disturbing to some.

If such is to happen the trail only allows one set of footprints left behind.

Then a voice can come in the swoosh of a passing car.

As if a shrouded mountain peak morphing cloud face beckons.

To awaken the dreamers deep sleep during an award speech.

Letting it be known there's something weird just about being here.

While  wondering what was if anything before conception.

As a road sign points to highway's future destination.

Supposing while riding pavement things might be different if it was possible that tires could touch forever.

Trying to recall if Enlightenment 101 was ever offered as an elective.

Because with bucks down the hand dealt might be death defying.

Like grandfather's ticking clock clarity.

Striking on the hour Saint Paul's salvation and Buddha's liberation.

For none other.

Now presumed presumable.

If not shareable.

As bubbling brook rock books.

Singing happy frogs came downpour croaks.

Maybe having tasted blue moon's night on the town.

Spiral arm playground galaxy slide laughter doubt.

Heard this artworld scripture speak.

Bike cadence blindfold forward.


If only

Like a cat out on frolic town.

Shadowy realms escape.

Where grass grows wild mystery tall.

Kitty call fallen soundbar deaf.
Dissolved dead worry in acid bed vat.

Moving motionless paw claw desire.

Pried back curiosity open.

Tracks out there imprint here.

As sliced time photographs frozen.

Where monsters hide under the bed.

Shatters window pane protection.

Unruly cars might run her down.

Wily bobcat awaits a tasty treat.

Knows not to sleep.

Roams the deep.

Caught between moonbeam wind echos.

A frog pond splash answers.

Knowing it shouldn't matter.

Whatever it might be.

When backdoor latch pried dire afar.

If only things could somehow be different.

Simplicity smiles back.

If outcome ends be one. 

Teeth caught tight tonight.
Commentary: What if only don't know made what is possible?