
Telos: the end of a goal-oriented process. wordnik

This may seem tricky business if the outcome of a goal-oriented process is predefined to be whatever happens when any and all things end.

Because if it's assumed the universe has a shelf life all endings might be expected to mirror a similar goal-oriented doomed fate.

Like what's true for the macrocosm should be spot on for the microcosm.

That impermanence holds the key to why things happen the way they do could be thought self-evident enough.

As a warrant to support everything that has a beginning must someday surely end.

Because just to notice all things come and go in and out of existence ought to mean the end ends.

Canceling any future truth auditions for upcoming reality shows.

What if on closer examination the explanation appeared a bit too encapsulated?

Like toes cramped in a too snug shoe fit.

Found wanting because of how telos has been defined without question.

As it might become an occupational hazard for a metaphysical whistleblower to mess with the universally accepted apple cart.

That might inadvertently call the ability to know who we are, where we came from and where we might be headed into question.

As cause to pause to wander in wonder in the land of who knew.

Since if the definition of telos presupposed that all ends must of necessity come to an end it's time to go home after the theatrical curtain call.

What then could account for the impermanence script of a bow.

Could it be nothing lasts?

Since empty seats do mean none stuck around after the show ended.

On a stage teaming with unexpected possibilities that's triggering this downstream fleeting  moment.

Brought forth like a birthday cake with one candle lit.

As one for all because one is all at the after the after party.

Hitting speed bumps on the way home.

Unable to backtrack.

Leaving definitions empty handed while clutching the steering wheel.

As if things don't need an origin to grasp hold of what they are.

Flagged red lobster loaded with crushed shell soft tasty answers.

Six shooter period punctuated holes for music's thin air mystery.

Problematic if the start starts to become finish finished.

If the end didn't have to end to be the end.

Since it might be possible to start at the end to finish at the beginning.

As where a new beginning begins.

Since now things wouldn't necessarily stop at their ending.

Supposing they'd began there.

Perhaps all that's needed to transform the definition of telos into the myth of telos.

Like a monarch butterfly spreading its wings cocoon liberated.

As if the end goal of a long long journey had been all along for the universe to know it did exist.

Outta nowhere

Outta nowhere seemingly comes in many flavors.

Some nice.

Others not so nice.

Both often unsought unexpected surprises.

Going big bang whammy what if the universe appeared outta nowhere?

Making possible a world aware of itself enough to hatch such a question.

Could the way things can pop unanticipated say anything significant symbolical about why there's anything at all?

That might lay waste the ultimate questions tossed in the office shredder.

Like who we are, where we came from, where we're going.

Because if things might appear from a nonexistent "nowhere" what could that mean?

What if it meant there's a reason why those ultimate questions have never been answered definitively?

Because those questions assume something must always come from something.

By appealing to the common sense notion it isn't possible to derive an is that is from an isn't that isn't.

Suppose the ultimate questions have hidden unexamined assumptions?

If so, to surface them might dissolve rather than solve the problems they pose.

Like without question there has to be a source in order for something to exist.

That should prevent any raised eyebrows asking what if it was possible for an is that is to have no source?

Like a wet blanket tossed on Wonder wandering off the accepted playing field of inquiry.

Especially when considering a wholly-other divine artist might make something magically happen.

Because having no origin for something might get a little too spooky for responsible contemplation.

If things can pop into and out of existence from nowhere it'd be like opening and shutting a door in thin air?

With the door made of thin air.

Guaranteeing the impossibility of finding the truth about the ultimate nature of things going proof poof in the process.

Because if all comes from nothingness truth seemingly would have no ultimate nature to find.

If so, could that mean the mere opportunity for having had existed shouldn't be taken for granted?

As there wouldn't be any higher reality than this magical metaphysical mystery.

If so, the privilege to have existed may be the ultimate reality.

Not the outta nowhere flavors like the good life or it really sucks here.

Because what's the alternative if nowhere means there's no place to hide.

As if Nada was tethered to a zip line to nothingness.

Appearing as the cosmic egg basket to hold all the good and bad stuff unexpected.

What kind of place might this be?

If the sun could set on making ultimate sense.

Would this world seemingly arrive outta nowhere?

Like a flowering artwork-in-progress showing a blossom clue?

As a symbolic gesture in and of itself for the same reason anything exists.

If so, the reason why ultimate questions are still up for sale isn't because the smarts aren't there.

It'd be because the answers need something meaningful to grab hold of that's missing.

Rogue planet

hostless system boast
freed soulful sunless
trillion billion coast

interstellar nomad orphaned
hypervelocity rocket shot
redline tach fact

once owned normal
ejected rejected elated
trillion billion strong

high plains drifter
dust grown hair
grit brushed teeth

sightly spry clean
rare curly flare
galactic runaway blues

one hand clap
measured smile miles
forbidden promenade zoned

akasha needle groove
star track flyby
weightless spun fun

orbit ejected rejected
no bounded round
slingshot black holy

groundless space graced
devious  mischievous embrace
pathless path passage

interstellar constellation cast
manifest marked fast
isn't it it