
If one thing was capable of being in two or more places simultaneously would it be about duality or nonduality?

What if the answer was “Yes”?

Supposing the inherent logic might be "and/or" what then?

Found where a horizontal "both/and" intersects vertical "either/or".

As something uncanny special when things get all-crossed-up.

Because each might pass through each.

Like pastel crayon light though a stained glass window.

Without loss of respective hue.

Blessed becoming one yet many.

Like glove wiggling fingers.

Protection against snowy cold.

To break loaf's nondual-dual.

Ordered two identical outer slices of bread.

Spread linear stacked yummy "either/or".

Seen through space-time fishbowl moment.

Ceaselessly of darting movement.

Where not one thing gets fusion confusion.

Fashioned from old crystal skin of identical clouds.

Magic circle river bank cracks wide open.

Old Uroboros tail-in-mouth slithers inside-out.

Instantaneous to universe transverse.

Linear movement go gone pop wheelie hi-lo.

Invoking a facial asymmetric expression.

As if "both/and" mailed an "either/or" letter.

Postmarked only to itself.

Ripped teeth open by a persistent continuity.

Strung on prayer bead days of finite years.

When the knot "where" got tongue-tied there.


What if what's self-evident truth might not be true for all?

Since what's self-evident is true because it should be beyond doubt for any rational individual.

Only truth  beyond question is bedrock true.

Cornered and corralled hip pocket vouchsafe till the end of time.

By those in the know.

While those in the don't know can only surmise.

Gifted with the flaw of awe.

Suppose language makes sense because there's agreement provided by the use of certain key words that anchors the prevailing narrative to what's defined as concrete reality.

What if one word was strictly so essential to question it might cause the house of worldview cards to implode?

Since its use provides the foundational nature of reality in order for all disciplines to properly work.

If so, to call it into question could disrupt justification for thoughts and actions.

Suppose that one world was "life".

"Life begins at birth and ends with death."

"The mission is to save lives."

"Sadly lives were lost because of unanticipated side-effects."

"I wanted to end my life because life was no longer worth living."

The point is to notice where "life" pops in a narrative.

What might happen if the self-evident truth that lives are lived until life ends was called into question?

Because an alternative self-evident truth countered if the essential nature of life was to live how could life die?

Assuming if life should only live it wouldn't seem inherently capable of ending in death.

For the self-evident reason that's if life's essential nature is to live it shouldn't include the capacity to die.

As it would be for death's nature.

Since death should carry the seed of its own demise.

Could it be conception begins the dying process until its potential to die is fully actualized?

As what it might mean to age.

Giving rise to the countermeasure this is life.

Granted unconditionally without reservation.

Because if it's always been unquestionably so what's there to suggest otherwise.

Making it possible to get on with saving lives.

Along with intentionally getting in harm's way to live life to the fullest.

Proving nothing is impossible.

Making fate's passion a FasTrak wormhole ride into immortality's history book.

Where opposing sides sound the same battlefield alarm to remain landlocked in the game.

Because it never was a problem none get out of here alive if none got in alive.

If so, let the drummers beware.

De facto

De facto: "in effect" or "in practice,"

If metaphysical metaphors could enact magical metamorphosis at a distance glance could shinola buttercup boots shine?

What if it was so 'cause we'd all be telepathically connected?

If not consciously then unconsciously.

Because it might help take account the way things do happen.


For instance, upon making a new acquaintance imagine an unconscious telepathic exchange long before physical connection.

Venture a guess it wasn't a chance meeting adventure.

Ordained preordained, who knows.

Uncanny feelings ring Destiny Awe ah calling.

"Bonkers be."

As if the reason was located in one source for all.

Quirky origin of beginnings beginning indeed.

Weird because it just hangs clothes midair flapping there.

Like balloon tethered galaxy floating upended suspended.
Igniting ripples of giggle existence dissonance.

Sea tree sap of rooted emptiness.

To be the is of all that is.

In whisper wisps of permanent  impermanence.

Reads a prospectus of unconscious connectivity at basement prices.

Bargain if all stood tall before the fall.

Sprang from one.

Shattered many.

Already bird basket batch hatched.

Broods de facto Mother Blackbird Bent Feather.

Shell stamped egg expiration dates:
war peace
love hate
joy sorrow
praise blame
pleasure pain
gain loss.

Flash firework glitter bright night you me face lit.

Revealing intricate silk web woven spiral confections.

Awakening body bound multiverse space-time eye.

Shooting back forth streaks of phosphorous comet tail told-you-so.

Playing plucked bucket one string alpha omega sonatas.

Through crystal ball bubblegum parted lips that kiss.

Cracking porthole hatch latch peeps tunnel rear view.

Wrap rapping gyrating hips supporting supposition superposition.

Above unconscious existence.

Below conscious experience.

Surfing surf-up curls rainbow board tide rides.

Skinny dipping down horizon laced mountain lakes.

Where rows of kaleidoscope calliope poppies whistle loudest.

As arcade rock speak fiery rain sends caskets cascade up.

Commentary:  Are new worlds birthed at first newborn cry?