Hocus pocus

What if the void of emptiness had no source?

Might sound like a meaningless question.

Like a hand reaching down to touch the ground of meaning with fingers twitching empty.

Assuming a source, any source, could prove more promising.

From choices that might prove note worthy. 

Suppose the void of emptiness might be the source of itself.

If this was the case it could mean no creator need apply.

Because the void would be causeless along with formless, timeless and spaceless.

If that doesn't sit well it might be worth asking if a supreme creator isn't responsible for the mess.

Where the creator creates a creation as an extension of itself.

As a photon of light leaving sun blessed be.

Making creator and creation a two-sided God coin.

If such possibilities could satisfy the need to know things might end here.

Should a sense of lingering dissatisfaction arise it might be advised to keep the wonder switch on.

Consider for instance if a supreme creator could create something from nothing?

If car alarms trigger implausible-impossible intrusion let them awaken the neighbors.

Because it's about "nothing" not being equated with the void of emptiness.

Since if the void of emptiness is an "is that is" it should have little to do with an "isn't that isn't" nothingness.

A nothingness that not only isn't but never was nor will ever be.

If so, a supreme creator artist magician is going to have some fairly advanced hocus pocus tricks up the sleeve to create something from nothing.

What kind of unimaginable might pull-off the impossible?

Like untraceable beetle footprints after high tide.

Domed under spatial palatial home sky why.

Only to pull a rabbit universe from never was black top hat.

To derail quivering lips supposing an embarrassment of distilled suspense riches.

Nuking the "does God exist" question in the process.

Because if God was supremely wholly-other any creation category shouldn't be applicable.

Rendering all iconic images flapping bed sheets die drying.

If so, cluelessly rejoice in a slate wiped clean discarded.

Because with nothing substantial to grab hold all becomes untethered.

As flung prayer bead constellations of textured spaceless space.

Offering levity of flight risk during takeoff.

A lightness of being toe touch billowing cloud embrace.

Paved with concrete winged stories woven thin air.

Gravity gravitas grave of twist vine grounded existence.

No longer able to buckle bent knees.

Effortless exquisite held shreds of what's impossible possible.

Tongue-tie silver speak me knots to unravel travel.

Through porthole untraceable indelible hallway artworld framed.

Peg free upended suspended.

Offering reason why a glass of champagne bubbles are faerie blown.

Drunk deep when fog horns blunt daylight never known.

Guessing whether a moon eclipsed high noon sun might reveal mother earth's underbelly.

Before the shadow of existence returns.


What if the striking difference between God created something from nothing and God created something from something makes the former impossible nonsense in a way the latter doesn't?

Can something ever come from nothing?

If "nothing" refers to an isn't that isn't.

While "something" refers to an is that is.

Prospects don't look good for anything from nothing.

If so, the notion that something could come from nothing should be safely tucked away in a locked down absurdity drawer.

Because if "nothing" refers to an isn't that isn't there's nothing to be a source for something that is.

If so, the notion that God created the void of emptiness out of nothing should never see the light of rational day.

Whereas assuming the creation is a sacred emanation or has never not been should ring less absurd.

Even so, what if there was no source and yet here it all is anyway?

Like a caveat appearing out of thin air wanting to be sampled.

Not knowing what alien aliment might occur if swallowed.

If it's plausible what is is and what isn't isn't, a peek inside a reopened absurdity drawer has commenced.

If the void of emptiness exists it must be one of those "is" things.

Likewise if existence is emptiness disturbed it too ought to be an is.

Supposing God could create emptiness from nothingness that isn't what might that imply?

God might be singled-out as an artist of an unimaginable one-of-a-type proportions.

Because to create anything from nothing is supposedly off the grid of possibility.

If so, might the notion that an unimaginable creator could make an impossible artworld happen slow down any spinning top mentality to a stagnant wobble?

Giving substantive chance reflection to why there's something  rather than nothing.

Asking what type of supreme artist could make this universe so trick?

While not forgetting to ask if the supposed less nutty explanations aren't more plausible.

Like if God is both creator and creation why don't created things last?

Assuming things should also then have the same quintessential sacred omni-nature.

Perhaps getting down to creator-creation reduction for the sake of comfortable brain-wrapping?

Alternatively maybe supposing a void of emptiness that has always never not been in a causelessly uncreated state of uninterrupted balanced wholeness is drawer's lost key?

Poof there went God from the equation.

If so, how did this world of seemingly impermanent incomplete imperfection arise from a permanent complete perfect void of emptiness?

Consider now if an unimaginable God couldn't pull-off the impossible magic trick of creating an is that is from an isn't that isn't what good is God?

Who might enjoy confounding the Nobel Prize wise for the sheer fun of it?

Found floating gently boat inside down the river of death to where it all winds-up eventually.

Merrily singing row-row-row your boat life is but a dream.

Bypassing need to consider
if life can only live
death should only die,

if death is birth
rebirth might be life
as death's death.

Tossing a monkey wrench in the nitty gritty ditty Tra-la-la mortem motor's "life is but a dream"?

Noting the problem shouldn't necessarily be with the word "dream" but "life".

Because what might happen if life begins after death ceases?

Like a point bilocated start and finish.

Flipping impermanence feet-up head-down.

Gut inside-out.

As a formidable fortunate reversal of fortune.

Tweaking the song's lyrics as "death is but a dream".

As if the magic art of creating a temporally terminal artworld out-of-nothing could have been decreed by a supreme artist whisper.

If so, what's to stop such turning a creation with term limits into one churning without end?

Razor’s edge

Suppose all sense objects are symbols for an existing underlying reality.

If so, what that could mean?

What if the world was like a thin membrane between an otherwise unconsciousness psyche and conscious everyday world?

Assumed factual by some.

An illusion of appearance by others.

What if reality was more like an egg shell.

One that could experience what's inside and outside the egg simultaneously.

Like a point of contact between an unknowable unconscious and knowable conscious world.

What if the boundary could  make the experience of "reality" symbolical?

Symbolical because the entire field of literal experience would be figurative.

As if all sense objects became conscious symbols.

For what was an unknowable unconscious reality.

Wiping-out the distinction between what's subjective and objective in a semi-conscious manner.

Making sensory experience as much a language as the spoken word,

One that might reveal the why, where, what, when and how this world resides.

If properly unraveled.

What is experienced?

Factual certainty?

Illusionary dreamscape?

What if a sensory symbol self inclusive of reality itself?

If decoded what should this symbolic self image be silently proclaiming?

Perhaps that there's many unique worlds experienced as if the entire world.

Consider when the field of sense existence has isolated out one perception.

Such as the experience of seeing oneself in a mirror.

As if the sensory symbol of seeing oneself as the self is abstracted in order to independently exist.

When the person is the entire field of experience including seeing one's own symbolic self.

Symbolic selves possibly populated as a multitude of dudes like at a concert.

Enacting each other's existences as sensory symbol worlds for what's streaming.

 A razor's edge tightrope walk strung between what's unconsciously unconscious to consciously conscious.

A standpoint standoff understanding that reconciles two realms as one without fusion or confusion.

Calling into question mystical occult and factual scientific interpretations as reductionistic symbolical iterations.

Found at the point where separate domains entangle.

Knowable unto each as unique editions each to each.

Meaning whatever happens in any world happens in other worlds assumed differently.

Allowing discourse between multiple worlds as diverse discrete viewpoints.

If so, making absolute agreement impossible.

Since each could be in each other's world only as an unknowable sensory symbolic throughput throughout.

Supposing existence was figuratively a literal poem of reality.