Bait & switch

What if the question about what is wanted always turned on the need to avoid loss?

Presumably not always consciously.

At least unconsciously.

Assuming this to be the imperative impermanent nature of everyday existence.

As if hardwired in all creatures to avoid being shown the back door.

To keep the ball rolling.

A checkmate against existence's need to not cease existing.

Would it be surprising to find bait and switch solutions abound?

Offered like wars to end all wars.

Fixes that'll permanently make this world a much better place?


Not worthless by any means.

Of course not.

Just needed a housed solution for rent.

Because if time is always running out in a temporal world longevity should mean things don't last.

What's offered may be better than the alternative.

Of course.

Fueled by hidden assumptions that act as curtain call cords pulled so that the show must go going gone.

Perhaps to keep the cultural wheels well-greased?

Making sense to push down below the threshold of explicit awareness truth for the sake of sustainable normalcy.

That some notables have called, "the noble lie".

Erecting a "No Trespass" sign to prevent access to accepted assumption awareness as if the hard cold cement of fact shall always prevail intact.

As the tricked-out narrative norm form accepted.

Because to trespass might call into question the underlying power-performance-importance principle to be hung upside-down inside-out.

On a wall in the hall that connects all the rooms.

Flapping in the nightly wind news on the clothesline of need to know.

When the key to the question for what's real and what's not hits the oak floor running.

Undercutting whatever claims offered.

"Is that so?"

Going deeper than figuring-out how to take a cold morning shower.

Even if for a good reason.

Are such things as health, security, or certainty possible in a world that's perhaps made temporal by design?

Like what happens at the dividing water line between below surface tacit unconsciousness and explicit everyday awareness.

When everyone knows skating on this ice can be hazardous.

That doesn't absolve the need for help in case one finds the porthole deep.

Holding out temporary remedies without buying into solution's "final fix".

For the sake of less uninformed choices.

Shelf life

Does life starts at conception and end in death?
What if life started at death and never ended?

Because if death itself is terminal.
Death's inherent nature should be to die.

If death is inherently impermanent, what then?
Death's death could be life as deathlessness.

If so, could life die?
Could death live?

Because if death can't live.
It should only die.

If life can't die.
It should only live.

Assuming something's essential nature can't change.
It can only become what it is, has been. will be.

If so, life should be deathless.
Death should be lifeless.

If so, death has a goal.
To hatch life from death's womb tomb.

As if birth's death makes rebirth possible.
If death's death is the secret  life.

From deathlessness within.
Nothing found with expiration dates.

Commentary: Teaching the good book to talk isn't as hard as it might sound.


What if auspicious audacity transpires unexpected as bidirectional bifurcated bilocated existence?
The Transfiguration of Christ, R. Stodart

start to finish

cyclic recycled


broken circle

start at end

end at start

same point

cornerstone capstone

one stone

cracked 360 open

space grace

movement possible


broken wholeness

like a cut circle

Christ self

alpha omega


Commentary: What’d ya expect?