
Suppose “is” lays claim to gnosis while "don't know" awakens the perfunctory nature of "is"?

Gnosis:  science; knowledge; knowledge of the highest kind; specifically, mystical knowledge.
Skepticism:  doctrine that absolute knowledge is impossible, either in a particular domain or in general.

Assume "i am"  is to existence while "I am" is to emptiness.

Might mean there's but one "I" incarnated as many "i"?

With each "i" the exclusive sole owner of a one bodily me world domain.

Having come out of emptiness devolved as a world of existence.

Incarnated worlds destined to come and go.

Because moving hands of time are a ticking countdown.

Other worlds alien yet shareable with one's own.

With lots of confusion about what is is doing.

Because there's a common throbbing denominator.

If context contains symbolic sense objects what's literal is figurative as well.

Silent tribute to the nature of the beast.

Creating metaphysical metaphorical symbolic sense object artworlds.

Brushstroke on blank canvass.

Chisel block of marble.

Raise lump of potter clay.

Sight of one's hand a sensory symbol for experiencing one's own artworld.

If so, to be seen shouldn't be to be.

It'd be a self-portrayal betrayal.

Only a representational presentation of world flesh.

Metaverse of metaphysical metaphors enveloped.

Relations relating to relations infinitely regressed.

Rise to fall as wave beach hits.

Barefoot impression sand remembrance shed.

Come and go in and out every breath.

Because if existence is emptiness disturbed.

Vortexes of time, space spun light years book read.

Dark matter mother womb a tomb.

Eruption of worlds erudite i given birth.

Emptiness I grave stone rolled asunder.

To let i know closet out to not know I at all.

Morning fired eggs shakin' bacon hot void's griddle sizzle. 

Root cause of destruction's introspect unsuspect.

If the source of every problem is why existence itself exists.

Even before what's said is done.

Context rocks the genesis code cradle.

Predicated on i am felled I.

If I'm big I having a little i problem?

Corruption of purity necessity to exist.

Not just any flawed, fleeting, partial, failed world will make do.

Supposing the right kind of imperfection as perfection.

If horned trumpet notes play today.

Magic's secret work cracked sound barrier open.

Any refrain to wholeness, completion, balance, perfection, permanence should finish in disdain.

Cure is curse washed open mouth sea black swallowed hole.
crystal cove sand patterns
Commentary:  Is "don't know" gnosis perfect imperfection?

Habba babba

habba babba  . . .it doesn't really mean anything other than to get a <bleep> reaction out of people.
dreaded deadness
why is all running shoe out

intensify the pretense
if doubt got clout

hardwired to stay
forced to go

burrow deep bleep
snow where to show

painted rice cakes
satisfy fake hunger

old zen story told
unfold napkin rolls

noble crows fly
black lies high 

soap bubble worlds
drop plop pop

hill there vale here
metaversal reversal

blockchained chair
eclectic electric embrace

locution electrocution 
cast electronic blast

doing time for
crime's rhythmic rhyme
Perhaps the Socratic mistake was to tunnel back down into Plato's Cave to inform the goggled voracious fandom the real show may be this wordy world's extended reality.


What if we be God's avatar tokens in and of a multimedia artworld?

Avatar: An icon, graphic, or other image by which a person represents himself or herself on a communications network or in a virtual community, such as a chatroom or multiplayer game.
Token:  Something serving as an indication, proof, or expression of something else; a sign.
 irreplaceable unique
each one

since things might
be different
if they lasted

wishing otherwise
won't change it
can't make it better

the only thing permanent
is impermanence

flawed fragmented fractured
fleeting fluid

duplicated duped
disrupted devolved divided
distorted damaged

 existence is emptiness
a reason to celebrate

universal universe mayhem
praised prize
made possible
by loss

this world the
ultimate multimedia artworld

Supreme Artist
creation created creation
what already is
