
Rat-a-tat: A rapid succession of knocking, tapping, or cracking sound.  merriam-webster.com
What if in the end it’s all art?

Because if God was an artist
this world an artworld
the props the actors
bodily souls
camera lights action

If everything that happens
had an empty start

of disrupted silence
seamlessly fill
brim over spill

Within time's womb
space wiggles

keyboard tap
camera click
dance floor shuffle
paintbrush swish
drum head strike
wood whittle

formation riddle
silent round sound broken
uncut block carved
petrified blooming sculptures

how the world began
with spoken sound
each heartbeat
each breath
sight unseen
laid bare dreams

tomorrow appears
as yesterday themes

circle cut
head start tail end
freed of rut

unconscious woven
tap-tap basket
tapestry awaken

seat taken
front row within
God's  multimedia show

grand i opening
eyelid curtain parts
here until now isn't


is what you're
saying shown

wall hung
nailed consciousness
entrance glance
Mary Magdalene 1994 Richard Stodart
look see
through worlds of
cathedral glass 

wood frame around
wrapped  bound


womb being
new becoming

primordial egg


him her
right left
true false
right wrong
good bad
time space

I empty
i full

rented home shells
reflecting such spells

cracked mystery
broken open
upside down
inside out

wind blown
feather death atone

asleep until
the final

dies dead
final leap


What if a question became its own answer?
Would that mean theory still fits the facts
A ghostly answer smudge pot graced
Where proposed theory hides displaced
As questioned right answer held tight
Soul-snatcher knows who looks inside
Rides the tide where no facts reside
If theory be an open ocean question
Based on baseless wisps of butter rind
Teardrop genie pops-out
Broken sealed bottle of time uncorked
Masquerading physical fact intact
Dressed high-heeled to press
To set-up another metaphysical mess
Grins the toothy beast of reality at rest
Teeth stuck in something rather than nothing
Where a needed toothpick might arise
To cause a tongue to chatter in aimless tatters
Who was I before being born
To sidestep the physically observable marching band
Where sidewalk answers stay safe
When fuzzy-wuzzy mooned the sun
Carjacking some unconscious interpretation
Revealing observable facts as tentative theme beams
Needed to bake a shaky ceiling
Touchdown playing field green grass answers
Between elastic goalposts physical metaphysical
Self-validating valet takeaways to park yesterdays
If a question could sneak so derelict to peek itself
Kerplop observation jaws did drop
Factual tail presumption head bitten bloody rail off
Chewed-up distinctions hungry for world extinction
Trending now to what the other pretends
Shapeshifter lamppost handcuffed to amassed facts
So what's presumed summed-up talks back

Can a question answer itself?