
Neon purple lit cranial tight.

Spanned can graves of cave rave grease.

Leap Golden Gate eyebrow chasm.

Fright-flight over two-way sleds sped.

Suspended daring hidden penitentiary waters.

Like forgotten apple seed cores washed ashore.

Beckon party frying pan bacon shaken making.

Planets, moons, sun space soup afloat.

Cauldron stew salt unsavory saviors.

Peppered with banana bandannas.

Rising riptide grip cord Five Mountain prayer flag chorus:

Earth visible nimble yellow
Wood auditory artery green
Water tactile fractal blue
Fire olfactory wine red
Metal taste base white

“I’m not saying it.”

“Say what?”

“Death’s death door hung wall hall tall mandala.”

“Don’t say such things.”

“Who me?”

Loose-lips petal peddled into town saddled antler clown.

Touchy rosebud underground railroad plank ranked.

Spouts inflamed frame-framed dual pocket-docket defense.

All hung-out spread egalitarian tongue-tied convicted.

Booby-trapped home brew tap-tap-tap dancing.

Churning-out assumption fermented brief beliefs.

Mineral belly of time thieves collapse dime elapsed.

Caught mooning the moon.

Pants downright high noon priestly blessing.

Crimes of worldview exposure black hack attack.

Shadow I am rail-rode rude-dude cracks.

crack crushed under shadow weight

Heels over head reels outta bed.

Exposing hiking toe blister fissures.

Map says: “Broken Lizard Tail Trail” devotedly scenic.

Small print entrance ticket torn token noted:

Make amends now because thinking things change.
Without warning stepping stones may disappear.
Watch-out falling honky-wonky piano zone.


"The Aestheticus is a Pre-Hardmode classless weapon which automatically swings and deal damage in a similar manner to broadswords while firing homing crystals that get their damage multiplied by damage bonuses from all classes."    Official Calamity Mod Wiki

The myth of life.

A myth?

Maybe not.

Maybe so.

It so, could mean a coming to terms:

“Life will die.”

As boldly bent knee told.

If it’s the nature of life to live.

How could life die?

Life would only live.

Death might be the one to die.

If essential nature can’t change.

Supposing things end in what they’ve always been.

Might be a supposition worth presupposing?

Can a tree seed become a cloud rain drop?

Getting,”Where am I” dripping leaf wet?

No roulette bet taken yet?

Like a breath held swan dive status quo splash.

Sandy floor rising arisen.

Teeth marked trespass heresy.

Hard to swallow black hole holy whole.

Reported real with chompers chomping.

Takes one broadsword blow.

Knocked silly willy-nilly.

Truth told be.

Gaped heart of matter matters.

Where matter might matter.

Oozing red oil soaked canvass tie dye.

Blues trumpet consciousness note noted.

Spun cotton candy massive mass denial.

Could get unceremoniously expelled.

Demented demeanor charged:

“Curiosity Disproportionately Inappropriate”

Actual transgression on books:

“Violated Under Deconstruction Uncommon Sense Zone”

Bystander picket sign for transgressor support, “Symmetry is stupid.”

Because when parting worldview grass.

Don’t get caught shooting at exposed reason’s bullock.

Season steak sprinkled with dried bonez herb.

Served on over-thinking cap pulled tight.

Trashcan history imprisoned for tomorrow’s landfill hill.

Daringly forged a soul made connection conception.

No worries legal defense:

“No rational person would have believed it.”

Tripped over a sidewalk crack.

Where the savor weeds grow tall.

Smacked out daily bap blip blat.

Drum beaten go low.

Below the belt deemed cheating.

Rollerskating edge of tomorrow.

Cowhide head stretched snap tight.

Tree hollowed out of splinter pain.

Doom room wall fist sonic boom open.

Potted lies windowsill bloom tazman prized.

Deformation rolling updates downloaded.

Could existence be distilled catastrophic emptiness?

Truck loaded bottle giant ships daily.

Genie of optimistic hopelessness disclaimer:

You've been warned.
Imbibe at own risk.
Don't forget to uncork.

Bubbled-up an underworld daemon.

Antidotal fizz for chased happiness offer.

Worn shoe toe blister alternating right-wrong.

A possible reason for why change is constant?

Hanker for anything disruptive discomforting.

Silent wind-rider for:

“Be in love with death until it ends.”

That did it…

Aestheticus blows through closet door.

Wood chips flew cascading hair flowing.

“Why such fuss for must end now?”

“Didn’t we just get here by sundown?”

Hot payment pavement served.

On a sesame bun of tragic beauty.

Because of big beer bellies.

Because of lottery tickets not winning.

Because of leopard spots gone extinct.

Heroes sleep walking across lost pirate planks.

As squint-eyed looking glass view asks back.

As surround-sound sensory symbols abound.

Avatars nail space to lace.

Running time future back hacked.

Iconoclastic peephole seeking self-redemption

“Is that really you?”

“Can’t be me.”

“No, can’t.”

“Can it?”

“Like me seeing me seeing me.”

“Never you?”

Another world being created wings on a fly.

Postage stamp forehead stamped.

Graffiti humbly translated with gratitude:

No returns for tattoos accepted
Small print for printed eye sores only
When life assumed myth
Remember to risk
How good can I stand it


What if reality itself was art?

If so, could this dice?

“My world is my art” served on a ceramic pottery platter?

Because if each existence was an art world unto itself.

We’d all de facto be artists.

Poets riding rendering engines on razor blade edges.

Teaching stones to sing.

Compiling distillery ale multidimensional Pale Moon brews.

Filing warehoused bargain basement wholesale bottled realities.

Stacked shelf loaded virtually drunk.

Sealed caps pried off.

Watching parade marched clowns down forbidden street discreet.

Sketch book sketchy sketchiness sketched random abandon.

Theater, sports, concert, courthouse, commerce, media.

Is the war to end all war even winnable?

Noses pressed against window framing neighbor kids talking.

Does art need such an audience?

Could an actor be one’s own audience?

Like solo tandem performance be?

Dancer dancing watching who dances.

Performed for sole sake of performing.

Thing-in-itself asking itself what kind of thing is might be.

Writer, musician, filmmaker.

World-class one.

Sprang these formless formatted forms.

Linked connections of disconnected furniture.

Ethics, religion, science.

Winks off to everyday ordinary wizard Oz.

Doing this saying that.

Without fail.

If word and deed duly connect.

Sight and sound hot wired immaculate conception.

Body art does seem rented.

Until evicted.

Emptiness brick cemented art framed walls.

Asking itself what kind of essence might make it so.

Wave disturbance sand dollars wash forth.

Beached an otherwise tranquil ocean of peace.

Does art always start disrupting these peephole blue views?

Dancers foot vortex rustle oak floor leaves.

Paint brush blank canvass burst birth.

“Let there be light.”

Purity of impurity.

Lossless loss lost forever.

Wood slice deformation uncut relief.

Trumpet’s breath shatters glass silent of space.

Punctuate codes infuse power button switched on.

Metaphors of metaphysics abound all around.

Emptiness forever disposable now.

Chasing its own tall tale tail.

As rendered artwork artist art.

Poetry of existence common denominator of all.

If so, “Where am I” might be the key.

To turn the washing tide aside.

To unlock the door.

Where “I am” resides.