Tough tulies

if reality is one
100% this- that
polar vertexes
transverse axis
end flipped
without fusion
without confusion

would that make
this world
the void's graveyard

one spatial
co-existing paired
all inclusive
pervasive now

end beginning
start finishing
wholeness of
two wholes

if duality is death
death a two-sided coin 
to exist is to arrive
a materialized world
death's realm visited

where eyelids flutter
breath counts time
toes dance frozen
parting tulip tule

Does transcending duality consciousness cease?

Can connection happen as undifferentiated fusion?

Is the suffering of existence a permanent landscape?

If only life can live.

If only death can die.

Because that’s their essential natures.

Where are we?

Suppose this creation crucifixion
called life…

Let’s party.


What if Buddha nature was the true self?

The true nature of all reality?

One Buddha.

Conservative Buddha liberal Buddha
Frugal Buddha lavish Buddha
Healthy Buddha sick Buddha
Sacred Buddha profane Buddha
Happy Buddha wailing Buddha
Rich Buddha destitute Buddha
Cop Buddha robber Buddha
Hearing Buddha deaf Buddha
Jumping Buddha sitting Buddha
Fat Buddha skinny Buddha
Stoned Buddha sober Buddha
Praising Buddha blaming Buddha
Peaceful Buddha wrathful  Buddha
Smart Buddha dumb Buddha
Inclusive Buddha exclusive Buddha
Crazy Buddha sane Buddha
Flower Buddha rock Buddha
Awake Buddha asleep Buddha

All states Buddhahoods.


Even diametrical opposed mutually exclusive.

All one.

As if oneness makes bilocation possible.

A dual non-dual affair.

A nonbinary qubit binary bit existence.


Both either and or.

Buddha this.


Buddha here.


Buddha anywhere.


What’s the basis?

Uniting all.

Things, people, places, events, times.



Is this the intersection where all things possible happens?

Where the metaphysics of reality touch metaphors shown?

A five petaled sensory one stem extra-sensory iris moment.

Where the the nature of reality is keyed to why there’s anything at all.

world swirl
roundly found

hope dope
can't cope

never knew
fossil impossible

Is there such a thing as wellness?

What if more or less illness.

Is there such a thing as safety?

What if more or less insecurity.

crapper dapper
doobie doo

one boat
all float

down down
salvation drown

Is there such a thing as salvation?

What if more or less lost.

Is there such a thing as enlightenment?

What if more or less obscure.

outta bed
feeling dread

locks talk
curls walk

until fell
feet free

Because if impermanence makes all things possible.

God bless impermanence.

Get rid of rid.

Outta bed.

voided void
negative doubled

suffering buffered
dark darkened

lossless matter
linear encircled

Is the magic of metaphysical metaphors what’s broken open?