
Got a question, comment or insight? Sharing can trigger something to contemplate for a possible upcoming post. My return reply below is an example:

The problem as I see it is existence is emptiness (the void) rendered. What happens in the rendering process is emptiness compresses down as this-worldly existence.

That compression is a disruptive loss in and of the void. The root cause of Buddha’s all things being impermanent as the source of suffering over nothing lasts.

Buddha’s solution was existence isn’t worth the price of impermanence. Might as well return to being the uncompressed void and avoid (no pun intended) reincarnating as the ad nauseam repetitious birth-death process.

If the void could itself be voided it’d be like emptying out emptiness by flipping it inside-out upside-down. Resulting in a new kind of permanent future existence.

My theory is that sacrificial blood magic is what was needed to void the void. In a sense the coming future existence has already arrived.

Care to share? My email address is in Bow.


If the void polluted is existence rooted.

Pristine is canvas brushed oil hues seen ravine unclean.

If messing around is the blessed message outbound.

Smidgen of yin hand held yang toes dangling Hang 10.

Pinch of yang spices yin stew nicely as a bubbling “we-be-all-in” brew.

Many over one starts unending fun at the starting gate of a fishing date.

Munching on orchard groves of dead branch almond rows that grow.

Perpetually petrified finger thunder burns most error asunder.

Joy dawns sunset dances

Never knew why we flew so true.

On musical wings invisibly visible.

One flock through clouds over boats afloat.

With billowing unsaid sails to ride on sunset rails.

Blind eye residing planted inside moon beam trees.

Too old to coldly hold it all together.

Too odd to ever get even.

Let sky wheat husk fly at dusty dusk window winnow.

Went thru a barn door wrinkle whose smiles twinkle.

Hugged a blue bone once thought unknown.

Fell through cracks in rocks that really do talk.

Knit tight with cloven trace of embrace.

Red Beard danced wine entwined in a very slow trance.

Heaven’s gate took the bait.

Tripped over a stone before the Monster throne.

Ate beam supreme when an eclipse unlocked the clock.

Rode the tide to crush a wizened pride.

Sand washed ashore straight out the door.

Ran amuck roof tar shoe stuck in Custom’s ruck.

Flipped the switch down that found an Inn.

Joy rides high below a belly button Devil’s Navel Deli.


Thunder. Tympanic flash strikes in dead dread of night.

Clarifies to illuminate earthen heavenly hell’s plight.

Rattlesnake bitten. Intoxication smitten.

Floats soap bubbled skinned alive. Hand caught inside-out outside-in.

Spiral down. Gone before dawn.

Let metaphysical physical lips meet. Crush the sweet pecan meat.

Break shared bread. Soul food fueled communion.

Saw flea-market telepathic meetup posted notice: “Bring your psychic currency for exchange.”

All in for the radical price of free. Secured in one’s own trace of world-space.

Obstacle’s barrier flat-lined runner. Two domains cremated asunder.

Metaphysical-physical minted coin binds flock of minds.

Who ordered a take-out of rendered emptiness? Existence served with garnish fancy trance please.

Ate to brake clear light speed’s barrier of fright. In strobe flashes of basic insight.

With symbolic consciousness double-darkness perception. Such a sensory world of known deception.

Breakdown-through to union communion. As freshly gathered forest mint tea relief.

To keep a divided distance is reality principle’s hack. Domains train narrative wheels spin greased tracks unabated.

If reality is “what you see is what you get,” is it a filter screen unseen?