
At dusk a mouse runs our neighborly wall. Keeping fury toe-time.

Kitty waiting held window watching. He knows the drill.

As he’s watched watching. By us.

Neither cat nor mouse believe in a wall’s property line.

He sits. Spring-loaded muscles rigidly pounce-ready.

At the mouse’s grand appearance his mouth puffs out.

Chirping chipmunk-like teeth hungry.

There’s a whiff of garlic laced spaghetti sauce.

Wafting. Swaying gently.

Bending aroma to neighborly wall.

A window an opening.

Plates clatter table placed.

Our tummies gurgle. Do you smell it?

Mouse toes speed-up hit flurry of notes. Cat’s wide eyes hear the tune.

We don’t. They’re in the know.

TV monitor flicked-on.

Desktop keyboard mouse clicking connected.

We sit. Junk-food ready.

Anything bingeable? Always thematic dramatic repeatable.

Glass trapped packaged shelf-life disposable brief treat.

In. Of.

A universe watching the universe watching itself watch itself.

Is this an empty existence movie night’s scheduled attraction?

Floating in a whiffed puff of dusk air?


What if this world was a shout-out of death? The place all went the day the void died.

So existence may be. If to be is to become.

If so, emptiness loss might be existence’s gain. As if there wouldn’t have been a big bang. If disturbance hadn’t pulled the void’s trigger.

Supposing all started with a volcanic eruption? Suffering all to live in stately disruption.

As motionless void. So timelessly whole as spacelessly formless. A tranquil lake at peace within its own unconscious waters.

Is that why nothing that exists longingly lasts? Arrives thawing as if partially frozen?

Flask distilled emptiness of time form and space.

Is to be born to drink the fountain of life? Where what awaits is a nothingness smashed glass after-life?

Making a “near-death” experience a near miss close encounter.

A sun that sheds life eats itself until it flames-out. Galaxy milk to be gobbled-up by sucking mouthy black holes.

Is the universe a self-consuming banquet hall? Truth a guest called “Error. ” BBQ’ed best when chilies hot served smoked in fire.

If suffering suffered itself a loss?

To which it’s called “life.” Where “near-death” could be “near-life?”

Glove of truth tugged hands’ off inside-out upside-down.

A toe dipped in lake’s fire and ice. How it feels?

To set off ripples of time that fly like skipping rocks only to sink back into the lake of space.

Moments of movement call forth the death of loss. A loss of loss as death’s own death.

Cracking death’s shell to pry open life. A near-life glimpse beyond who can tell.

Where big-bang phylogenetic recurrence pumps blood magic heart beats.

Like pitter-patter drops hitting tin ghost-town roof tops.

See the doctor. Shop the market.

Fix the flat tire. Take out the trash.

Is what this who is where I am?

Could this be where I went when I died?

Am “I” the oceanic emptiness speaking forth a “me” wave of existence?

The what masquerading as a who?

Shakespeare’s legs

North star
seen afar

Heavenly earth
gave birth

Ride ride
the tide

Ocean grave
wave cave

Sunlight slate
moonbeam fate

Ride ride
the tide

Washing clear
footprints near

Vision recapped
map patched


Spoken deed
unspoken word

Ride ride
the tide