
Given the many formulations of what a soul might be (assuming there’s such a thing) what if the soul was an energy-being-body? As in comprising its own unique this-worldly energy system.

Along with its own developmental stages, agenda, reason for being, and destination. An energy being in process to become what it already is.

It’s end goal to be reborn. Liberated from its developmental protective uterine womb. As if its very reason for arriving was to give birth to itself.

Freed like a tree from germinated seed. A butterfly hatching itself from cocoon metamorphosis.

Suppose an encapsulated soul’s existence was dictated by unconscious primordial mythic principles. Unaware of underlying magical crosscurrents.

That a soul could be set free. Should be set free.

No longer in bondage to dominating psychic principles. As if “one over many” morphed itself into “one is many.”

Reborn an infant of symbolical consciousness. Able to figuratively interpret the significance for what’s normally taken as literal. By decoding sense experience as symbolically representative of energetic mythic states.

Initially entered as an undifferentiated dot of singular energy on paper. Followed by a mitotic-type split into bipolar energy channels.

Having each their own independent origination and termination points. Rounding-out a network of web-like passageways.

A dual linear embodiment of status quo systemic architecture. Perhaps the enshrined model of supremacy competition. Looking like any two-way street.

Imbued with fraternal strife and tension. As one energy channel’s aim to hog energy dictatorially to pinnacle ascent.

Occasions remedies to “heal” such imbalance by methods to level the over/under discord. Only to become imbalanced again since the underlying problem needs reconfiguration.

No worries. A solution appears in hand.

In the form of paired energy conduits connecting their origin and termination points. Forging an evolved circular energy orbiting soul.

To recycle energy as could be in a closed system. Bipolar opposites moving bidirectionally without blending or fusing paired essences as if in one channel. With circular advantages over a linear system.

The circulating soul still bound to the rounds of closed systems. Subjugated to suffering primordial mythic constraints. Held fast within its own self-contained sphere.

It’s time to pop the lid. Make like a chick hatch of the batch. If not, spin like cotton candy on the merry-go-round called, “Forevermore.”

If soul liberation was possible, it might look like cutting a circle without beginning or end. Where the cut ends make for a line’s identical start and stop.

Same point happening lizard head to tail. Here to there because here is there.

Liberated energy traveling in a linear fashion no longer terminates at the end. Because it ends at the beginning. Starts at the finish.

Creating a paradoxical durationless-duration between start and finish. The signature of a liberated soul.

Outside the mythic fishbowl show looking in. A soul able to decode the swimming fish’s meaning within.

Something only freed soul can do.


What if seed to tree, egg to bird, womb to critter isn’t arbitrary. It is as literal as magically symbolic for how developmental cycles are shared archetypes.

Representative too of how a soul gives birth to itself. As if souls are destined to become what they already are. Just needing to give birth to themselves to make it happen.

If so, the way soul develops from potential to actual isn’t arbitrary. There’s a reason tucked into the matrix.

Having its own agenda, purposes with goals. A semi-autonomous mind of its own. Outside of spirit and body’s grasp.

At the point of conception the soul is one energy body. A seething mass of undifferentiated fusion.

Goes through a succession of butterfly like more highly organized stages. Where the fetus soul does an initial mitotic type split into primal yin and yang energy currents. As differentiated multiple pairs of yin and yang pathways.

Forming inside its uterus egg sack as paired complimentary opposites with separate starting and stopping points. Carrying respective energies like water flowing mountain to ocean termination.

At what point does breakout happen to escape protective womb soul baby free? Seemingly when all paired energies have recreated themselves each with their own singular channel holding both opposed energies. With a caveat.

Energy currents no longer terminate at their channel’s end point. Rather than terminate they magically reappear at the cycle’s start. Creating a forward movement ad infinitum.

As if the reconfigured energy channels are bilocated start-finish. With the same point distanced in two places.

With paired energy flowing through each other bidirectionally uninterrupted. Like light through glass.

All happening without fusion or confusion of each energy’s respective essential nature. Making the reborn soul’s energy cycle recycle. Looking linear but acting circular.

The first birth an unbroken circular cycle that can’t renew. If cut a beginning start and end point formed where the break occurred. Making possible one point severed identical in two places.

Drilling down found 5 Elements orbiting core united Governing yang and Central yin channel. Earth element as ground floor supporting Wood; Wood element Fire ablaze; Metal cauldron above glowing flaming Fire hot Water element held.

As reborn soul transformed. Because boiling Water releases upward Steam rising Metal kettle free. Symbolically literal for a twice born energy body soul.

What if to give birth to ourselves is such this fleeting possibility? To actualize the potential already present. Something to be enacted before time dries-up?

If so, the second birth is the one that counts. As to not depart empty handed.


Is it circular or linear? “Yes!”

Not spirit
Not body

Cocoon hatch
Butterfly flow
Brake whole
Reborn born
Horn torn
Behead tale

Time out
Space dry
