
As if the folded retold unfolded:

The extraordinarily suffers from a super-abundance of infinite riches. So painful something must needs be done for relief.

It occurred to create an artworld out-of-nothing as self-redemption. An impossible causeless caused feat of magic untraceable.

An emptiness appeared as canvas to brush out a seamy steamy streaming theatrical world. Where anvil word split sacrifice hammered-out one is two.

Those shock waves of mutually exclusive opposites. Far flung disks of galaxy fiery blue.

Explodes forth this scintillating universe of strange paradoxes and tensions. To exist for all to suffer like its creator knew.

If loss of pure emptiness is why there be form, time and space. To create venue to sport a magnificent race.

As the sole purpose to give birth to one’s own soul. As to not depart empty handed.

emptiness convulsed
as existence
naked now

impermanence rides
empty ripples
of surprise

liquid light
washing sandy
stars tonight

holographic ruse
entropy bluez
strings fling

why bees
buzz zing
flowers humming

packed house
rope held
curtains part

rusted lust
corroded told
plot dust

cremation created
death died
reborn born

nothing isn't
full until
emptiness empties

fail better
less worse
the best


What if it was possible to create a metaphysical firewall? One that could filter out unwanted assumptions embedded in narratives commonly accepted as true. To experience this world afresh.

To view this world as a metaphysical metaphor for the way things structurally exist might be a promising place to start. For instance, do things seem to share a common developmental pattern?

If so, is it because things move in a straight line from beginning to an end? Birth to death. Start to finish.

If that’s the way experience is shaped, does the literal movement figuratively represent something metaphysically significant? Something magically embedded deeply in how we talk to ourselves and each other?

Central to what’s being said. Revealed in how vocal sounds themselves disrupt a calm silence.

Pointing to what makes vocal sounds even possible. Telling a story of how a lossless emptiness renders itself into a world of rolling waves crashing on the beach of existence.

Where ever sentence is the sentence for the crime of having broken the silence. Be it a gun shot heard, a jet plane’s sonic boom, a baby’s newborn cry.

Making the unsupportable case that disrupted emptiness is the reason why anything exists at all. The big-bang game changer of emptiness devolved into this-worldly existence.

To awaken itself within its own wrinkled fabric of the void. A volcano spewing out its own fire lit lava star-field night.

Making troubled water’s forward movement on a slated state. A here and now that’s going nowhere.

A reason for why nothing lasts? This incomplete imperfect gory glory story. The existential predicament none can permanently escape. Encased in a casket of hope.

Perhaps saved from the noble narrative that preaches the possibility of making this world a forever better safe place. By keying the locked awareness as to why it all came to be.

What if aimed at the bull’s eye to make this a less worse place? Given a world must be flawed in order to exist. Making strife from lossless lost is its predefined center.

If so, could to exist mean to be at war? The war to end all wars. Called “peace.”

Where death, disease, doom couldn’t be silently signifying the why. Sponsored by a narrative, “Why can’t it all be fixed.”

So when a cup accidentally gets knocked off the table and shatters on the floor, it’s never asked what beyond physics made its breakage possible. Why should it be asked in a world that’s supposedly inherently good.

Assuming this world is where permanence, perfection and completion is possible. The need becomes to find a way to actualize its potential flawless nature.

Meaning if this world didn’t arrive already broken, wholeness should be possible. If so, the cup’s inherent metaphysical nature shouldn’t allow it to break?

“Why do bad things happen to good people?” Doesn’t the question assume that “goodness” is possible?

Creating false expectations that may shock. What if the metaphysical narrative firewall trapped surprise was morphed into, “So… what else is new?”

Because if a change hadn’t taken place in why there’s anything at all, how can something be considered intrinsically new?

Mountain flower

Consider the possibility that when yin and yang are naturally situated the yang side of yang is balanced with the yin side of yin. While the complimentary yin side of yang and yang side of yin are imbalanced.

An asymmetry allowing yin to vertically dominate yang.

Yin’s superiority because yin’s energy is a stable direct energy current always on. While yang’s subordinate position is revealed by its energy indirectly alternating on off.

Assuming an original natural paired energy exchange, might there be some way to balance the two currents with less friction? Making the two equable.

Could a change be possible in yang’s yin essence bringing yang up to speed? Suspect because of yang’s alternating current. As if flipping a switch on off destabilizes it nature.

What if yang’s weakness was traced to yang’s yin side? Like the moon’s shifting between new and full within tidal waves of emptiness.

Different from yin’s yang. Because if yin’s yang is streamed as a direct current it’s as always on as light radiates from the sun.

A change agent needs to be found. What if yin has the power to transform yang? As there might be something in it for yin to enjoy having yang as a coequal power.

Why? Because yin needs yang’s energy as a coequal bonded pair for the work.

In so doing, changing the inner dynamic makeup that could alter the course for both. By allowing their respective destinies to unfold as dynamic equivalents.

What kind of new yang nature could make this possible? Perhaps yang remade on the level of a polytheistic mythical deity. As if yang’s nature had suddenly become this-worldly daemonic.

As this essence might liberate the bonded pair from an unconscious primordial underworld. Allowing their work to proceed in a heightened consciously conscious manner.

If enlightenment’s rational empiricism had deconstructed the primordial psyche through dream and myth analysis, it inadvertently did the pair a favor.

By analytically fragmenting the psyche into many compartmentalized separate selves, a remythologized consciousness became possible. Setting the stage for yang to come into its own as a transempirical this-world power.

If so, yang’s yin side could propel both yin and yang invested with some unusual possibilities. Supercharged scope to scale.

Able to do more than create old magic’s desired new realities. Positioned to evoke a reality itself. As if adorned with a this-worldly existential mythic domain.

Armed with a practice to move the dial in directions not thought possible.

Shot upright from the ground like a magic mountain flower free to develop its own nature. Hidden from view off the beaten path of well-traveled rational empiricist footsteps.

Able to spread wings to seed fields of practice. Helping to bring the powers-that-be agenda down to earth.