
Consider a nothingness gap that can’t be filled like an empty hole. Because if there’s nothing there, what’s there to fill?

Unlike an emptiness gap that could be spanned because emptiness exists. If there’s something there, the hole could be plugged.

The point being all gaps aren’t created equal. Assuming they actually exist.

An empty gap assumes the hole is pluggable because it exists. Like what happens when fitting in a missing puzzle piece. Or when gaining an insight or making a discovery that rounds-out the understanding.

By adding a datum of missing meaning to what otherwise had perplexed. If not yet forthcoming, offers hope in time the truth will be discovered.

It’s a different story for a nothingness gap. To say something was created out of nothing should set the metaphysical red lights flashing. If something can’t come from nothing.

Because how can something come from nothing, be it knowledge, understanding or meaning if “nothing” means there’s nothing there to allow a gap to be filled. Meaning it’s really true, “You can’t get something from nothing.”

That line of reasoning assumes the gap that can be filled is an emptiness gap. Because such a hole stands the chance of being plugged.

In the case of a nothingness gap, the lights go out, a veil of ignorance descends, to wander in a cloud of unknowing. Because when there’s nothing there to start with, there wouldn’t be a way to bridge what’s unknown to what’s known.

Putting attempts to grasp the true nature of any situation in perpetual jeopardy. Isn’t this the predicament that’s been around from the beginning of time?

Given all the attempts by the best minds to date, none so far has ever figured-out what this momentous moment is really all about. Let alone who we really are, where we came from, and where we’re finally going. Not to forget why there’s something rather than nothing.

If so, the question shouldn’t be what’s this all about. The question should be why hasn’t someone figured it out to everyone’s satisfaction.

Once and for all resolving the metaphysical status of existence with a theory of everything. That testing has shown to be the case.

Here then is the snafu of assuming an emptiness gap. It hasn’t worked to deliver the goods.

If so, could this be the reason why the greatest minds of all persuasions have come up short? Because an emptiness gap assumes given the right mega brain, an answer is possible? Since if the hole in understanding exists, it should be possible to fill.

Admittedly, the notion of a nothingness gap isn’t exactly tenable either. Because how can there be such a gap if nothingness isn’t a state of anything. It might though have enough unexpected explanatory power to tuck the need to know safely in bed.

Because if the gap was a nothingness gap, it should never be expected to be filled seeing there’s nothing there to fill. Which does seem to historically be the case. Despite all attempts to prove otherwise.


Telepathically awake 24/7/365. Seismic quake.

Bake geometric constellations forming. Dissolving.

Real time enaction. Tik-tok blocked.

Weave woven spoken. Psychic symphony.

Middle kingdom. Vibrant rampant.

One soul. Nexus hexed.

Faster than light. We travel.

Because this is the poem.

flicker flame
can't tame

double darkness
unseen seen

elfin called
light enthrall

thread woven
spread cloven

beyond rhythms
time grinds

crushing leaves
release beast

before before
after after

down down
making rounds

floor door
fling open

drop through
deep blue


It falls.  It breaks.
Parts or wholes? If wholes?
Each a standalone.
With a unique identity.
Like no other.

one breaks
many be

emptiness breaks
existence is

whole breaks
wholes are

silence breaks
sound heard

puzzle breaks
solution found

hidden breaks
surfaced seen

loss breaks
lossless found

seal breaks
access opens

degeneration breaks
fortune reversal

seed breaks
germination pops

tao breaks
yin yang

man breaks
female male

hope breaks
happiness rebounds

self breaks
it appears

part breaks
grass parted

magic breaks
unexpected respected

known breaks
unknown known

adoption breaks
lost found

gravity breaks
levity rises

prose breaks
silence speaks

dismembered breaks
whole reborn