
Divination = query + randomness + symbolic interpretation.

What makes divination possible? Why is randomness often used to tap the magical realm of the collective unconsciousness?

Using something material like a card or coin through which something otherwise hidden can speak symbolically. That can be binary like the way a flipped coin lands heads or tails. Can be contextually archetypal describing what needs to be taken into account encompassing a specific situation.

What the randomness does is make the question impersonal. Because whatever the method used it opens a door to the unexpected.

It is like being informed by something greater. Where the answer may or may not be what’s personally wanted. Making divination a potential risky business,

Revelation can come directly without an intermediary in voices, dreams and visions. These too can need an interpretation to unlock their meaning. Followed by time to see if what’s been seemingly shown does come to pass.

It is possible to receive a specific action to be taken without knowing the reason why. A disclosed action while concealed as to intent. Making contextual interpretation impossible.

The choice to act or not the option. Beyond the uncertainty of must wait to see.

Because this is it’s business. Their agenda. Their purpose.

If so, they know. Making the trajectory of impersonal liturgy to only go straight don’t.

A must do for no good reason. Other than to be of possible service.

Whatever the venue the symbolic nature of the beast happens at the intersection between conscious matter and unconsciousness energy. This-world intertwined. All crossed up.

The point where the unconscious and consciousness meet is a two in one revolving door. Allowing information to pass back and forth.

Because matter is of time and space. Energy timeless and spaceless. If so, when the powers that be decree, they’ll need us to help accomplish their material work.

What it means for energy to be timeless is that past, present, future are now. The now allows one thing to influence another in real time instantly.

Despite how separated by distance. If past, present and future are happening this moment.

How does randomness remove the barrier between time and timelessness? If the past, present and future are all rolled-up into one “now” the past is here as is the future.

Being bodily present is spatially temporal. A going straight from start to finish.

The future from a material standpoint can’t be know until it arrives. Where what’s hidden energetically does know already.

If so, an unconscious energy realm can’t inform a conscious material realm directly. Making being consciously aware of the unconscious symbolic consciousness. As a this-world point of contact between energy and matter.

If energy is impersonal and matter personal, randomness strips consciousness of its opaque nature allowing the transparent unconsciousness to shine through. Teasingly cloud shrouded.

Showing something of what’s normally hidden in the form of symbols. Symbols whose meaning like gifts needing to be unwrapped.

If an interpretation is sound it can perhaps ring true. Even when the reason for the revelation remains hidden.

In this sense randomness necessitates a leap of faith. Where the leap isn’t totally blind because symbolical consciousness should present a presentment of knowledge.

To use divination to access what the unconscious already knows as fact is in this sense to enter the unknowable purposely. One accomplished by the use of a seemingly random event or by a supernatural intervention.

If so, randomness can be used as an anytime way to engage the collective unconscious. Especially needed when supposing the divine and daemonic are beyond the self.


uncertainty = imperfection + incompleteness + impermanence

unpredictable predictable

roll dice bramble gamble

backup insurance assurance

risky out of bed

risky in bed

faith verses fate

fate verses chance

law of averages dance

hedge insecurity detour

pay to play pay

wobble fall all

unforeseen foreseeable

vulnerability liability

stock-up shortage short

peril day flavor savor

lucky hack crack fact

karma dharma drama

got enough enough

universe casino ruckus buck

walking on thin ice twice

process normal abnormal

worlds without borders order

tyrannical hope dope


Image a problem that after many tries seems unsolvable. A candidate could be that in order for this realm to exist it must involve loss do to emptiness being compressed into matter.

If so, that could mean this realm arrives flawed, partial and fleeting. Because those three attributes result from loss having been baked into the core nature of material reality at the moment of creation.

If so, attempts to find a way to live forever in a material realm with a fundamental nature that won’t allow it, should be expected to disappoint. What if once the fundamental predicament was acknowledged as unsolvable, it opened another way to deal with the problem?

Making whether or not the problem of death was actually solvable seem irrelevant. Anointing the new approach’s mantra, “resolve to dissolve.”

“Dissolve” in the sense that something like death could be reinterpreted in such a way as to dethrone it. Unseating it from being the central existential threat acting as the organization principle hub of life.

Made possible by invoking a magical “as if” to supplant a literal “it is. ” Causing a shift in worldview perspective. By calling into question the very way any problem is defined.

Because if a “problem” is truly unsolvable how can it be a considered a real problem? Don’t problems assume the possibility of potential solutions? If so, wouldn’t an unsolvable problem be better defined as a pseudo problem?

If it could that in turn might break its existential spellbinding power of false problems. By virtue of the application of alchemy’s speculative philosophy.

This doesn’t mean that loss isn’t still a loss. That’s not what’s being questioned. Any loss can devastate.

It’s about how the nature of reality is being perceived. Invoking a sort of new spin on existence’s black hole. Making it possible to meet a doctor’s death sentence with, “Is that so?”

What surprising can happen is the more an unsolvable problem is worked on, the less of a problem it seems to become. Due to repeated failure to find a lasting solution, the problem’s importance can start to slowly melt away.

To the degree institutions are dependent on holding something like death as a treatable problem, it shouldn’t be surprising to find them weighing-in against rendering them as if harmless. Because as long as a problem can be defined as “treatable” its contextual alignment with reality is safe from being called into question.

Acting as scripts running in the background to keep the audience glued to their seats. With promises made. Accolades received.

Doesn’t disentanglement from unconscious scripted action run the risk of amoral freedom running amok? Perhaps.

For instance, the death penalty no doubt does deter some bad actors. Assuming if such deterrents also didn’t unintentionally attract bad actors with an overactive death-wish.

What if dissolving an unsolvable problem had the opposite effect? In the sense of it defusing an unconscious death-wish? Setting captives once captivated by it free?

Would the liberated be less or more inclined to find harm’s way attractive? If less, could it be because avoiding death no longer had the allure of being solvable? If more, might it be because if death isn’t a solvable problem why not pull-out all the stops?

If this sounds like a two-horned existential predicament, it should. If so, what if having two in one makes possible eating one’s cake while having it too?