
Could the pivotal point on which this world turns really be impermanence? That our entire existence from beginning to end is based on the everything being out the door before it arrived?

If it was would that define and shape our entire experience while being here? In the sense that if the reason why there’s anything at all is because things need to change in order to be. If change is why nothing lasts.

Making the natural response to this universal predicament to save ourselves and the world from the ravages of change. In the temporal sense of a life extension salvation. Stuck without being able to solve the underlying problem constantly in our face.

Where on the one hand everyone knows. On the other hand the conscious recognition is forbidden. Myths being denial worn to clothe the naked truth.

News, entertainment, business, politics, education. All streaming rooted and grounded in one central theme. A theme that connects all living bodies plant and animal alike.

Rooted and grounded in a one common basic nature of reality. All share the same fate.

Did it begin when emptiness was created out of nothing? Was it the void has always been without beginning and end? No matter if either way there is something rather than nothing.

A ubiquitous starting point. A lossless, spaceless, timeless, formless something. From which it all came to be.

A void compressed twice. Emptiness to energy. Energy to matter.

Involving loss. Loss needed for time and space. Container for all form.

If so, it might be possible to explain why everything encountered has only one driver operating in the background. A string that connects the dots like beads of existence.

Could this be why the need arises to make to make this world a better place? Creating noble myths to give purpose and meaning.

The fight a flight in a world continually moving forward simultaneously creating and destroying itself in what is known as this very moment.

Where all projects intended to change the world for the better conveniently overlook that the problem is this moment is change itself. Because loss makes change possible.

The myth being to pin the blame on the effects of change and not the cause of change. Which works wonders by creating purpose and meaning with goals and missions that’ll hopefully withstand the test of time.

If emptiness is lossless and compressing it involves loss to a resulting distilled state, energy could like liquid emptiness. Then when energy compresses it’d be like emptiness frozen solid in the form of matter’s time and space.

This could account for why there’s something rather than nothing. A corrected question would be to ask why there’s energy and matter rather than emptiness. Because nothing is nothing while emptiness is something.

The dreaded void of lossless emptiness seems hardwired shared to be avoided at all costs. If the purpose of compressing emptiness is for the void to become self-conscious dividing itself into lossless self and other self built on change’s loss.

If so, nothing has moved off square one. Matter is emptiness disguised.

Hiding itself from itself. The job to find it out.

Energy a bridge between energy and matter. Making possible the void able to consciously know itself that some have called “enlightenment.”

Giving rise to why the axis of consciousness turns on an empty hub. Making it possible to try to fix and improve the way things are. Changes not needing to addressing the underlying predicament.

If so, stands to reason the call for change overlooks that change itself is the problem. Making hope for an improved state of world affairs possible. Needed, of course, without question.

Because even if the underlying problem will remain in spite of any change made, new possibilities for how to deal with having a body built on the axis of loss can help. Giving meaning and purpose to one’s existence.

What enlightenment might do is make conscious why there is a universal predicament that drives the way everything is happening. If so, perhaps an eye opening might at the very least help put an end to the blame game.


A breath of wind
meanders spatial time

You in me in you
partners in crime

Breach the wall
enter the hall

Free as spun lace
hung face to face

Veil us secret attire
sail currents of fire

Net fashioned forgotten
dream caught bought

Early rain gone
womb open doom

Sense extension flown
inner dimension blown

Ripples electrified attraction
held gravitation habitation

Time in time out
the parts depart

We knew before we met
this was a bet

Out of the body
no time is mine

Flying a kite
worlds unite

Captivate captivity
captured ran free

Living energy things encased to be erased. Dreaming of blood filled feet.

Where energy beings sport earthsuit designer mind-bodies. Negotiate this material world as rovers examine alien rocks.

Earthsuit bound the wombs. The task to hatch.

To come out. Before time runs out..

Free float outside the mothership. A reversal of fortune. Who let the emptiness in?

Tethered over cloud sky high. Unzipped before this heart clock’s ticktock stop. Let it all hang-out.

The hang-out is out. Out of mind and body. The elsewhere of nowhere.

Born twice. Wings outside space time bubble unfold faerie wide.

Burning together combustion consumed. Purposely entail no tale to be told. Literal interpretation the black magic metaphor.

Blowing smoke rings without beginning or end. Holy hole entered centered

Finger liqueurs good. Avoiding the void at all cost.

Sleeper dreams keep us apart. Make secret plans to depart.

Inside what’s outside resides outside within. In earth breath’s delight prepare to unite.

The fact intact. Earthsuit unzipped later discarded. Jailbreak is broken open.

Not born until reborn. Hatch unlatched. Flee did we.

Home at last. Task found at last.

Consider this

a practice
yet not opposed
wholly pagan
transcending paganism

Consider what a practice that isn’t supposed to be might be. One unknown shown to make this world, any world, a concealed disclosure.

Would it be worth considering if not knowable in elfin laced space? Perhaps double darkness lit a scene away unseen?

Something done for no good reason. Not for blessing or curse.

In every way. Everyday.

A veil of ignorance worn to be torn. Reborn baptized with blue fire sweating sweet ice.

Shrouded clouded misty askew. Fruit plucked tree unknowable eaten freely.

Where sight and sound’s fingers lustily touch. Drunk on image juice squeezed psychic streams unquenchable.

For no good reason? Because its where the can’t be prevails never fails.

Let one be one on one’s own terms. Heaven’s gate hell’s lock swings broken open.

An energy system might be a body alive. Who knew? Some do.

Able to inhabit another? Life a plexus nexus each to each. Bonded here there egg nested in swaying tree leaf branches?

Riding divine rhythms of time. Never off the dime.

A race to home base. Aced in shadowy lace.

Repose decomposed. All free fall to be at all. Earthsuit undressed loosely drops it all off tonight.

World wide web ensnared in one shared collective. Net caught unaware walks instant telepathic talk.

Had arrived at the door on Death Alley Row. Claw opened wide on a notepad least expected. Joined at the joint’s joint sang these tear breathing hands.

Stuck in customs waiting to board this time around. Ship slipping past the one eye pointed.

Puffs of blown highway of rings. Adam knew Eve inside that energy thing.

If haven’t been boldly told to unfold, could this really be a qubit me? Seen lit within sky’s double darkness glow. The bond is all in an upward free fall.

With heaven’s hell hidden in plain sight. Does the rite appear even right?

Unnoticed to trip over. Stumbled upon the petrified rock of ages.

A rock rocks the boat. Did someone fall out? Didn’t the sound of ashes go splash?

Grab a taste of low hanging fruit off the tree of unknowing. Where nonsense flowers daily in street market abundance..

What can be stolen? If the radical price of incense is free?

Who gives a hoot tiptoe taps a stone? If there’s no promise roamed when nobody is home.

“Let the buyer beware,” heard nailed on Wittenburg’s Door. The best read almost considered.

Because if scripture and craft hadn’t hit that wall, think twice to practice at one’s own risk.