Keep it

It’s been said, “You can’t take it with you when you go.” Often referred to one’s possessions. Often unspent money.

What is the “you?” The perennial “who am I” question.

If the “you” isn’t one’s material possessions including the physical body, what is it? What if the “you” isn’t a physical thing? Not a mental thing?

What if the “you” is an energy thing? Though individual made of all those with whom energy is constantly being exchanged. A polytheistic “you” as an “us” meaning “me” or “I?”

What if an energy body is spaceless and timeless? Because it exists in real time where no duration exists?

Allowing telepathic messages to arrive instantly. Could this suggest the “you” doesn’t have anywhere to go? Because in real time it’s always here?

If so, the statement, “You can’t take it with you when you go” might be revised to, “This is the one thing you can keep when you go.” Because the real “you” has no dimensions, occupies no space, being outside of time.

If the energy body could remain even if the mental and material body is lost, it’d be possible because energy is as much here as there. Meaning an energy body is an extrasensory this-world phenomena.

All members of the one energy body unified as a bonded energy exchange. The physical body an image as a sensory symbol representing what the energy body looks like. Like a snapshot of what’s been photographed.

The energy body being where all the unique members co-indwelling is taking place. Like one humongous energy macrocosmic orbit of cycling microcosmic sub-orbit member energies.

If true, death wouldn’t be a total loss. The focus could shift to what can be kept.

What if who we’re in and who’s in us determines our personal identity? “Person” meaning an occult transpersonal entity. Where telepathic energy exchanges are shaping each others flow of daily events along with sleep’s dreams.

Perhaps because the real “us” exists in real time? Real time as energy free of the constraints of time and space. Represented by the moving line of the present moment.

Without distance because the energy body is one. Making energy exchanges instantaneous.

If the energy body works best without conscious interference., not knowing” might be expected as the norm. Keeping energy exchanges away from the rape of the literal minded.

If telepathic energy language exists it, should stream deeper than poetry or prose could say. Which the body could tap into silently through the use of divination methods. Because the energy body would direct the physical outcome.

Since if energy language belongs to a this-world extra-sensory realm, transactions should be expected to happen outside of conscious mental to physical correspondences. While telepathy to bodily action correspondence could possibly exist.

Co-interpenerating bipolar bidirectional member energies cycling as one body should unify the whole without fusion or confusion. Where no unique personal identity gets lost anymore than two physical bodies look totally the same.

Made possible if who’s energy we’re in and who’s is in us defines who we are individually. Explaining why what’s plural is what’s singular.

As such not solving but dissolving the so-called mind-body problem. Leaving the one thing that can’t be lost. The “us.”

Because if “we is me,” where’s the “I” to go?


the gods decree many surprises
expectations were not realized
God opened a door
this is how this business turned out

Add that Euripides ditty to Saint Paul’s, “work out your own salvation with fear and trembling” with a pinch of Buddha’s “be a light unto yourself.”

Stir well with, “Who me?” Bake at body temperature. Because if it’s a good bet, expectations won’t be realized.

The bubbling cauldron brew ought to taste like yet another day of misadventure. If it’s true the center doesn’t hold, misadventures ought to be like a string of strung prayer beads. The trick to finger each one.

A look into the mirror will do. Why aren’t the two sides of the face symmetrical?

Perhaps to get the gitty-grit’s true grit is to ask how long a moment lasts. Because that might explain why misadventure is possible.

Why is the moment always new? Is it because the moment has no duration? Clock time measures space. Tells how long it takes to tiptoe from here to there.

If things morph too much what happens if backtracking to square one is attenpted? Square one should have changed during the intermission.

What happens if God opens a door after expectations aren’t realized? Safe to roll with it?

If being left to work out one’s own salvation and being a light unto oneself is the default recommendation for things not working out as they should, could that have anything to do with a change in perspective?

Imagine driving on a globe where that passing car’s rush to nowhere would now be the one behind depending on where the line was drawn. Only on a flat earth would the parade’s leader have followers following.

Toss a grenade in Plato’s Cave. The problem wasn’t the produces called the show off. It was the fans that tore Socrates to shreds for daring to point out those ghostly puppet shadows dancing on the cave’s wall weren’t real.

Since fans being chained to their seats were only able to look straight ahead, they had no clue the puppeteers behind them were running the show. For the right price.

To do the misadventure misstep bounce starts to seem inevitable. Perhaps Saint Paul and Buddha knew their do-it-yourself projects would be duly so safely ignored.

In the 10 Bulls stages of enlightenment, the zen master laments, “Too many steps have been taken returning to the root and the source. Better to have been blind and deaf from the beginning. Dwelling in one’s true abode, unconcerned with that without… .” Shouldn’t it been said, “Too many missteps?”

Funny thing about doing theory is not knowing makes surmising possible. The misadventure built right into the practice itself. Making truth the ashes of error.

Pragmatists aren’t about to waste precious time trying to figure out why something works or doesn’t. Why bother if it’s already known it does or doesn’t.

What if misadventure was the cost of doing it right? Like no screw -ups nothing gets done.

Making the real aim to make things go a little less bumpy than they might otherwise go. Not to aim for perfection but maybe a little less imperfection.

Can’t fix what can’t be fixed because if the present moment is without duration, the way it is can’t go away. If so, wouldn’t any venture be inherently misadventure?


not this
not that
only go straight
don't know

Does “not knowing” mean at the end of the day it’s only possible to consider why things are the way they are? To only be able to wonder what kind of reality this must be in order for something like this to happen.

What makes reflecting on the true nature of reality for many a long given-up pastime? Is it because ultimately there’s no way to test why things are the way they are?

Since banishing such projects underground to haunt the hidden recesses of the mind won’t rock anyone’s boat. Because why ask if only testable knowledge is real.

What happens when a possibility is considered? Does wondering necessarily push the envelope into needing to assume or believe something is so?

Maybe some theories ring more true than others because they seem to fit the facts better. If so, when a theory rings true, does it follow it’s right? Because perhaps the ring is closer to music appreciation moment than finding the truth?

When something is believed or assumed to be true is it something akin to adopting it. Like getting the paid for receipt that goes with a new pet from the animal shelter that proves it’s now yours?

Could it be all nonsense isn’t created equal? Would the task be to sift through the rubble to see if an overlooked gem is there? Then run some daresay tests to see what if any secrets might shake loose?

Because when there’s no pressing need to assume or believe in the face of not knowing, all the fuss might go bust. As it’d be more like window shopping than at the counter ready to buy.

What if when comparing the options something unexpected happened? Like even if this possibility is nonsensical, contemplating it opened a door elsewhere.

Something akin to an expansion of awareness. Like mediating on a possibility grew into a garden of never before imagined potentials. When parting the grass invited a more expansive viewing view.

Because whether the theory fits the known facts or not wasn’t really at stake. Even if theory seems to match what’s accepted. It could just be good theory.

Yet even if good that wouldn’t mean right. Meaning the aim was never to conjure up a true theory. Maybe just a good one.

Like square one is “don’t know.” There’s no square two unless it’s “still don’t know.”

The work being to stir the pot for a more refined “don’t know” flavor. Maybe to the point where something starts to smell yummy.

Is what happened that the boundary of possibilities just got more refined? Yet more expanded by echoing why things might play out this way instead of that.

Being at least a good bet. Imperfectly known with no certainty attached. Still better that not knowing at all.

Because being a part of the experiment means no need to look elsewhere. If the question is the egg that hatched the answer.

Those that “get it” have arrived. The point where the journey ends. The conclusion illusion entered.

Allowing the question to become, “Why does this nonsense make sense?” Is it no more than satisfying to ponder?

When the light fantastic has been switched off, the wonderful wonder darkness prevails. Then nonsense can ride the endless journey. The path lit by a total eclipse at high noon.

 sol and luna coniunctio