Coequal cocreation

What if the body is one collectively shared energy system? Where sentient beings were like a constellation of nodal points in a nexus of possible relationships. A shared matrix of coequal coexistence where cocreation was constantly taking place.

A magical polytheistic pantheon where mythic powers and human being have equal status. Equal because mythic powers and human beings are personifications of nodal intersections happening as one energy body.

If so, that could mean there shouldn’t be a human and mythical spatial and temporal distinction as to where this moment is taking place. Because there’s only one energy system coequally shared among all. Where energy exchanges taking place might happen irrespective of when and where considerations.

Where the view of the body as discrete sensory objects with separate identities occupying a fixed point in space and time gives way to one shared energetic body having many members with unique abilities. Symbolized by one physical body’s many members all working together for the good of the whole.

As a nexus of mythical and human nodes forming one one polytheistic pantheon. Where telepathic communication between beings is constantly taking place. Carried along by streams of shared energy connections.

Each influencing each irrespective of temporal and spatial distance. Seed projects forming telepathically below the threshold of dream and conscious awareness. Becoming unexpected surprises as if arising accidentally from nowhere.

Where the real action has always been transaction at a distance. Where nothing is out of place because there’s only one place.

As if what’s physical has always been sensory symbolic objects for what’s metaphysical. Cocreating representative sensory images for what’s taking place in the energy body.

Where the entire world is a buzzing and booming cocreation of sights unseen and sounds unheard. As an ever changing as energy circulates in a bipolar bidirectional fashion created by the energy exchanges within nodes taking place.

Since if bipolar energy flows bidirectionally, energies would naturally pass through each other without fusion or confusion unimpeded. Like two sources of light passing through each other. Cocreating this moment of uninterrupted change.

Locating the powers-that-be are as much here as human beings are there. Coequal because what’s metaphysical is found to be as real as what’s physical. All coexisting in the same space.

For if what’s mythical and human coexist in one space, multiple wholes would be like one being. Everything is as the other is. Because fusion is delusion.

If each node is a personification of connected energy what’s mythical and human would be distinct. That should open the door to mythical gods and goddess connecting with men and women as one shared energy system. Make cocreating reality a four way possibility.

Consider if sensory objects are symbolic representations of what’s actually there, the figurative should be as real as what’s literal. If so, an energy exchange with an imaginary or real being would be no different. Making it possible for a figurative energy exchange to be as effective as it were literal.

Fix it

What if owning hopelessness was the radical “cure” for a sense of being hopeless? A sort of homeopathic remedy not found on too many drawing boards.

Supposing the void to having been created out of nothing in a pure lossless state, its plausible it should have originated as an undivided whole. In a pure state complete and perfect in itself. Without stain or wrinkle.

Then something happened that caused the void to become squeezed down causing it condense into a sort of packed state. Having a new essence created by the compression necessitated by loss.

Called energy. Meaning energy is compressed emptiness like going from a gas to a liquid. Involving a loss that cannot be recovered.

Because if energy was uncompressed back into its original lossless state, that’d put an end to energy.

If so, that’d mean something is either uncompressed as an undifferentiated whole or compressed down into a partial state due to loss needed for compression to happen. Can’t have it both ways.

If compression is antithetical to what it means to be lossless. A return to wholeness is a lost cause while in a compressed state.

Having arrived at energy as compressed emptiness, the next step needed in order to create matter would be to compress the compressed energy down once again. to the point it can’t be reduced any further. Matter being emptiness pressed-down twice.

If this is why matter exists, it should be plausible to say emptiness needed to “die” in order for energy to be. Then energy “died” for matter to be. Assuming “death” means the same as having taken a loss.

If so, the price paid to be part of a material realm bodily is death. Another way of saying, “Death makes life possible.” Because if the void needed to die in order to be here, life would be an after-death experience.

If this is the case it shouldn’t surprise material existence needs to be flawed, partial and incomplete to happen. Because unlike lossless emptiness material reality couldn’t be deathless.

Assuming this is why there’s something rather than nothing, a sense of hopelessness starts to make some sense. I’d be the experience of bumping-up against the awareness of what it takes to be here bodily.

With the spin-off realization that if what’s wrong with this place could be fixed it’d be like sticking a pin in this bubble of a universe. Meaning it all arrives at the top of the slide in a big-bang sort of way followed by a free-fall to wherever the feet hit the ground.

If so, does it start to make some sense to propose the radical solution to a sense of hopeless could be to just own it? Or does that still seem a bit too counter-intuitive?

Sounds like returning to the Garden of Eden to eat the forbidden fruit a second time. In a world where allopathic cures seem to be the preferred remedy .

What’s being asked is what it means to “fix” something. If it means its fixed for only awhile, okay. That’s a strange definition of “fixed”assuming this world runs on impermanence.

Because being a part of the dynamic of a continuously changing world suggests otherwise. Might even explain the real reason why things can’t be fixed forever.

If so, all claims to have fixed it should land in the false fixes drawer. If for no other reason than how can something be said to have been “fixed” if the fix can’t last?

Suppose change itself was the real culprit caught red handed? Like this material world is where it isn’t possible to stick one’s foot in the same river even once.

If so, what if hopelessness really could make the price of admission a bargain basement price?


What if everyday mundane reality is where the real magic happens? Where nothing falls outside of having magical importance?

Would that mean there’d be no special category for any type of magic? Because reality itself would be what’s magic?

If this was the case why isn’t the everyday world experienced as a magical place? The reason why might be because in order for magic to exist a modern worldview needs it to operate unconsciously.

Maybe because a modern worldview assumes when something is claimed to exist but can’t be show not to exist, there’s no way to disprove the claim. Since if there’s no way to disprove something, there’s no way to test whether or not what’s being claimed is true.

Testability then puts magic into a special category located in a realm removed from ordinary reality where practitioners have esoteric knowledge the uninitiated can’t access. Keeping technology’s notion what can’t be tested can’t be known safe from being questioned. A double whammy where both physics and metaphysics win.

What if testability isn’t the problem after all? Perhaps conscious awareness of occult principles could lead to interference with the flow of everyday events wreaking havoc by bad actors. Bad consequences could also follow if practitioners with good intentions caused unintended negative side-effects.

What if a way could be found to become aware of future magic outcomes while side-stepping potential unwanted side-effects? A way needing a certain shift in consciousness. One that could unlock the way consciousness blocks the hidden significance of what’s happening.

Suppose the outside world was assumed to be the body acting like a sensory experience processor. How might sensory objects be perceived?

Sensory objects could be symbolic objects representing something “out there” in the real world. A partially known world. Where sensory symbols represent but aren’t what’s actually there.

This would mean to see a tree “out there” isn’t seeing the tree. It’d be more like having a virtual bodily experience of what the body is seeing thinking the actual tree is being seen.

The notion the body is a vehicle to negotiate reality like an earth suit for the soul might start to loosen its grip. Because if consciousness is inherently symbolic, the body could be the magic maker that’s creating the world as phenomenally experienced.

Once the assumed one-to-one correspondence between what’s being experienced and what’s actually there is on the critical thinking chopping block, cracking the testability door open becomes possible.

Making the symbolic interpretation of ordinary reality possible that could expose what’s hidden. Not unlike a dream interpretation reveals insights. Or an astrological or tarot card reading is consulted.

symbolic consciousness

If the mundane events of ordinary reality are silently disclosing the hidden nature of reality, it’s because symbols have a double significance. Like two sides of one coin. Where one side up can hide the other down.

When two sides are in dynamic tension, denying the existence of one side can be one way to cope. A better approach might be to relax into the tension to allow two states to coexist at one time.

When the tension is allowed ordinary reality can register as magical as it is material. Then the wall of consciousness that makes matter and magic appear opposed is separate spheres can be transformed into a bridge. Where the symbolic link forged acts like the glue holding the sensory and extrasensory together as a two dimensional one realm.

If when asking, “What’s the magical significance of this everyday event” becomes possible,” it’d be because reality itself is virtual. Meaning truth is figurative.

If so, in the end it’s all metaphor.