Go hi-lo

In the beginning there was an all pervasive undifferentiated singularity of emptiness. An original condition with no foundation cornerstone or apex capstone.

As the original condition’s downward spiral expanded a cornerstone and capstone came into view. Ripples of riptide that divided the void’s shape top and bottom.

At some point the top completely separated from the bottom floating over it in order to control it. Rising above to spread wings of happiness shadowing the many as if the one last standing.

With one transformed into two a new type of consciousness became possible as a detached observer sense of objective reality. A split of subject and object allowing the once singular void to become aware of itself.

All a necessary step to something even better. Where it became possible to heal the split without losing consciousness of the void’s self-awareness. A new oneness with two awakened centers.

One at the top and another at the bottom. A sort of egg shaped reality.

Where a cornerstone and capstone’s awareness of each other is to have healed the split. Not high not low to go hi-lo.

Like a boundless boundary. Like a box without top.

It’s been said, “It is what it is.” What is the “it” that is? The unconscious “it” of hidden magic pervading a divided reality?

Like cut flowers to adorn a funeral march of the living dead when what’s hi is severed from what’s lo. Hello “status quo.”

An awakened quake of two distincts division none reborn as the living living. One with two complimentary conscious centers.

Because when the capstone on high floats severed above its base below the base magic is hidden from view. Allowing the cornerstone’s undetected magic to operate freely seeing all eyes riveted on the top’s all seeing eye.

The once hidden magic revealed the moment the top and bottom unite. Awakening symbolic consciousness. Because conscious magic is the symbolic nature of material reality.

It’s a poetic sense of reality. A convergence of divergent meanings.

If the hidden “it” of “what it is” is metaphor. Magic can be present for conscious use.

Capstone cornerstone stoned
magic fantastic

Two centers enter
elliptical hi-lo

Be here yet
be there

Antimonies once dissociated
bloom re-associated

Apex of creation's
singularity conception

Shock wave unearthed
universe birthed

Reunified incarnation carnal
body be

Egg shaped hatched
at last

Two distinct ones
division none

Love’s body

What if to be a body is to be love? Collectively one body of love?

Two merge to make one new. A cry breaks the morning silence at the moment of revelation’s dawn of time.

Existence victorious over the void. Matter does matter in hush crushed silence of, “I love you.”

“I love you so much I could just eat you!” One loaf broken into many smaller loves to feed many the beauty of truth.

Didn't know how
energy flows

It always bounds
  intertwined around

Spiral of time's
finest wine

Whirling wholly holy
dark hole
Hideaway's plain view
few knew

  Saw the night's
fiery light

Star field heaven
revealed delight

Steam hot release
cauldron peace

Never split parts
wholes apart

Love's body
we be

A bubbling brook in a book? A community abounds where none found?

As one becomes two then four as before. Did it all appear from dark heart’s hole so near?

Hidden in plain sight. Energies ripe to unite.

Me in you. You in me. Makes us we.

Burn in water. Drown in flame.

Attraction the name of action’s game.

Out of a womb. A stony heart’s tomb.

A cave once a grave birthed a body made love.

Flew forth like a dove.


Transrationality is a set of reasons that aren’t necessarily irrational or rational. Like a third alternative to being crazy or sane.

The problem with a transrational reason is that if it exists there’s no way to disprove it. It has to be assumed.

It goes beyond the normal ways to set a value in the sense of not having a prescribed way to assess a situation. When there’s no norm to test something against taking an action may not be justified.

Imagine something that doesn’t make a lot of sense rationally but could have a transrational reason. If there is a transrational reason it could be good or bad but it’ll fall outside of human value system support.

If what’s normally considered rational and irrational can be diced. Support can be appealed to justify or not what’s being considered.

If so, trying to support transrationality by appealing to true/false, right/wrong, good/bad value systems should be expected to fail. Keeping this in mind here’s a scenario that is backed by a transrational reason to see how this might play out.

Suppose someone is refusing to go to war because they hold killing violates the “do no harm” principle. What if someone said to them that if they realized the self they wouldn’t accrue any bad karma by killing people because they’d have realized that they are pure consciousness?

Because as pure consciousness only the body, mind and emotions get involved in the “wrongful” action but not the self. If the true self is pure consciousness it only witnesses the killing. Since the true self isn’t the doer it can’t be held responsible for what the body does or doesn’t do.

This line of metaphysical reasoning seems plausible. If held it might be considered a transrational green light for going to war with the caveat “only if one is enlightened .”

By assuming self-realization means realizing the self as a witnessing consciousness only, would that let the enlightened one off the hook? Because it’s built on a land mine of assumptions ready to go off because they can’t be disproved.

Again here’s the rub. If a transrational reason conflicts with accepted norms at the same time it can’t be proved to be false, if someone holds something like “the self is pure consciousness” it remains up for grabs if that really is the case.

This is why philosophy goes where science won’t tread. “Where’s this supposed self,” a philosopher counters, “I can’t find one when I look inside.” Hello square one.

Take using a pendulum to get the direction to point a wand. The assumption is one’s hand is being controlled by daemonic powers who’s agenda isn’t known yet need human hands to help get their job done. That should be considered a transrational reason for practicing the bonez ritual.

While the pendulum movement is known the senses can’t pinpoint what’s actually causing the movement. The pendulum could be moving not by daemonic magic but due to one’s own unconscious micro-muscle movements. Even so, those micro-muscle movements could still be controlled by the powers.

If the hope is something for the highest good is happening. That could be delusional too.

Bottom line is any appeal to transrational reasons can leave one hanging in metaphysical space with the door cracked open to never knowing for sure what’s really happening. Just a seasoned hunch, of course.