
The type of alignment under investigation is metaphysical. The reason why is see what might happen if the fullest possible context for existence can be discovered.

Because a proper metaphysical alignment might part the grass to help bring the true nature of reality into better view. Why bother?

Could offer a sense of how one fits in this world, help make better choices and get a clearer handle on one’s priorities.

Context is that bigger something going on that holds whatever is in the palm of its hand. A “bigger something” many are aware but can’t quite put into words.

Something defined as the metaphysical container that holds the entirety of material existence. Deeper than deep, wider than wide, higher than high.

Imagine there was an original void created out of nothing by a wholly-other superpower that then got disturbed giving off a big bang seismic quake at the origin of this world. Not unlike how every noise from a cricket chirp to a car backfire mimics that beginning now.

Where all events are showing how a wave of energetic release makes all things possible. All having undergone a disturbance like a newborn baby cries at birth.

Why might such theory be a good idea to contemplate whether it’s plausible? Because in things like decision making are tucked assumptions that form a context that act like greased tracks to already predetermined outcomes.

Take illness for instance. If “illness” is contextually restricted to physical aliments then it becomes difficult to entertain the notion something metaphysical might be involved. Who’d then ask if metaphysical illness was the driver for physical illness?

Let alone wonder if the reason why there’s anything at all is because a loss in an otherwise peacefully tranquil void took place. Then consider if lossless emptiness was squeezed all the way down to material reality its very nature wouldn’t become incomplete, imperfect and temporary because of the compression.

This is where the plot thickens. If so, people wouldn’t get sick and die from contracting a physical illness but because of how this world became zipped emptiness.

Because if this world had to go through a death process just to come into existence, it sounds like an oxymoron to think so and so just died from natural causes or from being in an accident.

For what’d be responsible for every demise is the fundamental loss inherent in how everything got started and continues to happen in the first place. Making the metaphysically aligned individual someone equipped to equate death with life.

ll so, all talk being physically “cured” would go out the window. Since contextually everything is as good as dead already.

Perhaps everyone knows this but it doesn’t get expressed because its like a cultural no-no. Like a taboo philosophical subject best left in a locked drawer. As it does seem to run against the prevailing narrative wind?

Surely, everyone wants sustainability. Even in the face of things don’t appear to be happening that way.

Consider what if a cure was found for all known physically illnesses while the underlaying metaphysical context for existence itself went undiagnosed? Wouldn’t we all still die of old age?

In the meantime there are some very cool things that only being a body can do. So much so that the thought of death making life possible could get in the way of having fun.

While better metaphysical alignment won’t solve the problem of death, it might change the way decisions are made in relation to how everything always plays itself out.

What if that translates into being less bamboozled by the many experts who define reality for us? Applying the brakes to the unchallenged media narrative bombardment many assume true.


sandy floor
basement door

apocalyptic aphorism
best ignore

square one
zero sum

way shrine
hilltop shine

dig deep
touch feet

stop found
truth town

holy book
bubbling brook

bread wine
both entwined

destination not
tied knot

cornerstone rest
capstone best

life death
one breath

soul rest
hell's test

roots hoot
grounded bound

Aimless aim

ready aim
fire lame

darkness light
embrace delight

body sees
only me

core star
center enter

we be
me be

one center
all together

found on
first round

goal crowned
taken profound

think stink
bad brew

don't know
now how

target hit
bullseye lit

first try
bye bye