
Imagine “nexus” as an individual’s constellation of telepathic contacts that form the basis for telepathic exchanges of information. Where the amazing thing is such interactions happen instantaneously irrespective of temporal differences and spatial distance.

Because each nexus is an individual’s constellation, it shouldn’t be thought of as a universal connection to to all possible telepathic states. Because if the nexus exists between all points of contact and none, it’d be more like a cluster of stars forming an identifiable astrological pattern .

Allowing human and daemonic powers to connect forming a plenum of ongoing potentiality. Where the web of energetic lines of telepathic communication become a conduit for exchanges of extrasensory information.

If mind to mind conceptual communication is married to this-worldly sensory exchanges, telepathic communication is extrasensory this-worldly. It is an extrasensory body to body information exchange bypassing the rational mind while being no less carnal.

Might think of the perceptual sensory body as a symbolic representation overlay for an energetic occult body. Where sensory experience is a stepped-down extrasensory metaphorical metamorphosis as this progressive moment.

Making an “outside” sensory world an unique individual’s worldview perspective. Where each individual is centered in a world unto themselves. When having transformed each individual energy stream becomes a localized “self.”

Opening a door to accessing extrasensory telepathic information consciously using bodily senses. Tapping telepathic exchanges from the past, present or future from any part of this universe or any other world.

Making it possible to access telepathic interactions using many divination methods. As in the case of the bare bonez wand ritual’s use of a pendulum.

This is why when solely relying on sensory communication to be all that is possible supports assuming “to be is to be perceived.” Making the need for greater sight and sound representation the proposed yardstick of success.

If when it becomes possible to know more than can be told it is likewise easier to simply be without needing to be perceived. Becoming more like the unnoticed mountain flower having a freer range of hidden influence. Now able to extending one’s impact farther than technology’s arm can reach.

Offering a reason why the nexus of telepathic connectedness could form the real basis of human relations. Making one’s family one’s telepathic family. Because the magical metaphor of metamorphosis is the underlying nature of sensory reality.

If death can’t break the telepathic web because its links exists outside space and time, the extrasensory this-worldly will never depart. Allowing the nexus to be a conduit for change when the powers-that-be decree many surprises

Holding the future an unexpected promise . Because when spatial and temporal considerations don’t solely apply, the distant horizon is now. As the sensory body perceived appears symbolic for what is true and real.

Turn-off tune-out drop-in

“Turn-off tune-out drop-in” is a spiritual connection theory. A formula for where to look and how to find one’s numinous connections. It assumes such relations are the ones that are stable, able to withstand the test of time.

Spiritual connections are located in an underground stream of energy that is this-worldly. A nonphysical this-worldliness that is ubiquitous in a timeless and spaceless way.

Could say spiritual connections are a form of carnal knowledge. “Carnal” because they arguably could be a form of body-to-body communication if “extrasensory” is not assumed to mean “other-worldly.”

The worldview error supported by science and religion being occult reality if it exists must be disembodied. Supposedly a ghost in the machine affair.

To hold what is telepathically known just because it is more than what can be explicitly said must have a supernatural origin is a form of worldview protection. Because it supports the notion religion must be viewed historically and science conceptually supported by sensory verification.

This means when someone or something surfaces out of the unconscious matrix as if unexpectedly stumbled upon “out-of-the-blue” it couldn’t have been tacitly known bodily before having surfaced into conscious awareness. Keeping the possibility of unconscious telepathic communications taking place before the conscious connection was made out of worldview harm’s way.

If so, what is meant by a “spiritual connection” as an already established telepathic linkage between two or more bodies surfacing into conscious awareness must reside safely off the table. What if bodies are magically being bridged despite being discretely isolated in space and time?

If emptiness first contracted into energy then energy into matter, a spiritual connection located in an occult realm could mean a connection is made upstream before becoming conscious as a sensory event. This would mean it first happens irregardless as to distance between bodies and when it’s taking place.

Think of it as an upside-down pyramid with a top-down flow. First as extrasensory this-worldly followed by an entrance into sensory this-worldly awareness.

As if telepathy proceeding thought as extrasensory comes before sensory. Making this world is a two-sided one domain reality.

Thankfully shredding the mind-body problem as unnecessary. The point being to think of the a telepathic occult as well as sensory matter inherently this world.

All in the name of out-of-sight is out-of-mind. Helping to explain why making spiritual connections may not be a high on one’s bucket list.

Interestingly these connections shouldn’t be subject to the laws of time and space. They could be from the past, present or future and any part of this universe or if other worlds exist from those too.

So what does any of this have to do with “turn-off tune-out drop-in?” Technology be it psychoactive drugs to the latest connection app or virtual reality goggle has its worldview assumptions built into its products.

Technology doesn’t currently have the means to register a preexisting back and forth telepathic information flow. If so, it could be helpful to turn it off and tune it out.

As if listening to an oncoming train with ear to the tracks. Allowing the “drop-in” part of the connection formula more room to consciously surface telepathic links.

One way to know if a spiritual connection has cemented is that it persists able to withstand whatever cards are dealt. Possibly because spiritual links could be the ones that survive death.

If so, these are the attachments that really count. Fashioned between bodies as well as spirits.

Not to forget connecting to the daemonic powers-that-be. Able to open undreamed doors for new directions to travel. Offering unexpected answers to what had been sought too long.

If the highest calling is to serve those daemonic powers, that intent alone could open the floodgates for body-to-body spiritual connections. Assuming the gods decree what God declares.


When a nasty neighbor tries to have Dorothy’s dog Toto impounded, Dorothy takes Toto and runs away.  A tornado appears uploading her to the magical land of Oz.

What just happened?  A number of things as figuratively as literally.  If Oz symbolized an occult realm and Kansas City a material reality, this story could illustrate that in order for magic to occur it can only happen elsewhere.   Because a magic based material world’s officially out of the question.

The story seems to support the accepted way to view reality. Because if reality and magic are mutually exclusive domains, it makes sense Dorthy would need to leave Kansas City if she ever hoped to land feet first in a magical kingdom.

What if Kansas City and Oz weren’t different realms as the story supposes?  What if they are, in fact, two sides of the same reality?

Since the fictional account holds there no magic to be found in Dorthy’s home town, why might that be?  Could have been driven underground having taken a double hit from science and religion. Seeing neither wanting much to do with the occult in order to keep their respective worldviews intact.

Having been exiled to the world down-under the only way magic can fully function now is it needs to be treated as it has little to do with normal reality.  Below the threshold of upper-worldly enlightened salvific awareness it is still alive and well. Dorthy seemed to already sense this and wanted to go “over the rainbow” to find it.

If the goal was to keep it blocked by keeping it out of sight and mind its suppression allowed it to operate more freely and powerfully.   Because it’s now residing in a safe space hidden where conscious intent can no longer interfere.  Meaning the intent to banish the occult realm backfired.

Because it’s now in a most potent way to influence upper world lives unawares.  Making magic the unsung warp and woof driving the happenings of ordinary life.

After seeing the Wizard of Oz,  Dorthy is told to click the heels of her magic shoes given by the good faerie when first entering Oz while imagining herself back home.  When Dorthy awakens back at home in her bed she’s surrounded by friends and family.

Who try to assure her that Oz was a mere dream.  Proof is she was knocked unconscious during the tornado’s force.

Yes, knocked out.  Because that’s where Oz is residing in the unconscious. That’s why nobody but Dorthy believed that Oz is for real. They never left the upper-world consciousness to journey downstream.

What if a little Oz ooze seeped up into the safe and secure Kansas City?   If that happened what would the new reality now be like? A new third estate development in Western consciousness could make a surprise entrance into an otherwise sleepy City

Would things once again be noticed to grow and shrink in size like moving freeway cars?   The educated explanation still holds sway. They only appear to contract and expand. Everyone knows it’s an illusion things change in size.

An illusion relative to the center of the universe that each individual inhabits, that is.   Relative sizing isn’t happening in relation to that central proximity. Or is it?

Raising the point whatever was left over from the long shadow cast by primitive animism safely relegated to the worldview dustbin might not be trashed forever.  Because if occult and empirical reality was two sides of the same reality a whole lot of textbooks might become re-purposed as doorstops.

Along with the need for psychoactive drugs to access Oz flushed down the nearest toilet. Since they too are an attempt to keep the genie in the bottle.

Could Kansas City be Oz?  Probably not anymore than one’s head and feet are in the same place.  Yet they do appear in polar opposition to only one body.

Meaning it’d be more like punching a wormhole between Kansas City and Oz to allow free passage.  Dorthy and her  Kansas City folks now practicing magic consciously would be like discovering how to use fire for the first time.

Practicing the magic consciously is like putting the occult on steroids.  Where time and space are the magical warp and woof of a this-world empiric reality.  Could it be that magic needed to be exiled to the land down under in order to fully come upper-worldly again fully into its own?

Because banishing the old primitive animism actually turned-out to be an unintended good thing. Allowing animism to come back consciously as a new middle ground between science and religion as magic played in a new key.

Making the real problem for Dorthy not to convince her family that Oz is a real place. Rather how to get out of both Oz and Kansas City into the new magical third estate.  Where normal reality isn’t so normal anymore.

All Dorthy would need to do is “turn-off, tune-out and drop in” to find her new City home. Because she always was the center of her own universe. Always being on square one but now having landed firmly feet first consciously.

Oz has come full circle. Dorthy just needed to go straight to the rainbow’s end to get here.