
The bare bonez wand liturgy is first and foremost a mystery. A mystery because bodily action does all the talking free of conceptual thinking.

Bodyspeak is silent action. A body based language that tells the full story because it involves every cell of the body. Showing the way things are without assuming a mind over body hierarchy.

Mind over body means the voice is explicitly in the driver’s seat while the body sits in the backseat silently behaving itself subserviently supporting the voice. When that happens the whole body along with what it knows goes untapped. Leaving an external and internal mind’s mouth to chatter away hanging as if on a peg in empty space.

Assuming emptiness made sensory experience is like silence is to emptiness, sights and sounds in space and time would be experienced as bodily existence. Silence being the mother tongue giving birth to sound.

Going unnoticed waiting for the verbal party to start. Still in the room while the party is on full tilt. Staying to clean-up after everyone’s gone home.

It’s silence sitting unnoticed filling the space between words wrapping each letter in keyboard clicks. Silence moving faster than the speed of sound. Because silence was on the stage before sound took its bows.

This means movement doesn’t stop in order for silence to be. Only when verbalizing what the mind knows does silence slow down enough to be heard.

Silence walks, talks and breathes between whole bodily nerve synapses. What does it say?

Hit the drum head and the vibrating head gives off sound. What that shows symbolically is how emptiness is made audible. It says emptiness disrupted is existence be.

A metaphor showing how the whole universe came to be and how it’ll end. The way things work not being arbitrary. Life and death in every breath.

The silent action of a hand coming down to hit the drum head shows what verbalizing concepts can’t. Says it all started with a big bang and is winding downhill from there. The nature of everything uncorked.

Emptiness disturbed to create the material drum as hand hit shocked waves now resounding. Matter mattering drum speaks in rhythmic hits.

Because what every action says is this experience is emptiness made existence. This square one still ground zero experience. Because that’s what silence means.

If so, showing is telling. Silent action the word made deed. Making theory incarnated practice once the sound of silence heard.

If what is bodily known runs deeper than what can be verbally told, silent knowledge surpasses conceptual knowledge. Making what’s known more than what can be told.

Bodily silence is tacit knowledge. Not opposed to what’s otherwise learned. Silence is a form of activity when action is the primal sound.

Silence only becomes activity stopped when only linguistic verbal activity is assumed what’s known. Speech disincarnate from to the very way it’s made. As if speaking operates independent from the very bodily action needed to produce a voice.

What’s there before explicit mind takes a stand? The word before becoming flesh? The ambition of conceptual ghosts wanting to be seen and heard.

This would be all well and good if the body was that thing seen and heard in the mirror. That’s what the mind likes to whisper while watching itself style on new clothes.

To find one’s body “out there” isn’t “out” there. Its been where its always been just there. As if to discover the true body to be emptiness, existence and experience one.

Like a school of fish moving through an ocean of silence knowing what they’re in is where they’ve always been.

Broken brokenness

When it comes to brokenness what can come to mind is what happens when what was healthy and whole has suffered a loss. A loss relative to what once was. Because when something has taken a hit that means it’s become less than what it was a moment ago.

What if brokenness is to wholeness as illness is to health. If so, would that mean there’s a connection between something breaking and something loosing its health?

Assuming that’s true, what kind of reality must this be to makes illness and brokenness possible? Would it be a reality where things start out whole and loose their wholeness later? Or is the “wholeness” notion of health a myth?

If it isn’t a mistake to speak of brokenness and illness as twin siblings they nevertheless both seem to point to some kind of loss. What happens on the other hand if wholeness is possible? Perhaps an unintended consequence might be all movement could stop?

This moment appears a buzzing booming downhill flow of volatility. Where one moment breaks free to be the next. A momentary flow continually reborn. Does the moment brake like an ocean wave on the sands of time to never be repeated?

If so could breakage make newness possible? If health was attainable as wholeness might that mean time would stop frozen solid like a eternal snapshot of itself? Meaning if realty is to be in a constant change, it needs to break with what just was.

That’d suggest a whole reality isn’t now, never was, nor can be. Making for an entire universe as inherently as it is incurably pathological. Because existence and change would be one.

If so, health couldn’t mean being free of illness anymore than wholeness can be free of brokenness. Because finding a true “cure” for anything would first have to heal the underlying cause without disrupting it.

If things break down already preexistent lines those unseen shatter points would need to be for something to break. Either that or things don’t become what they already are. That’d imply wholeness has never existed.

Because the original condition that brought forth all this would be itself inherently broken. Breakage could be sourced to the void breaking out of its original condition. One of pure empty being in order to make room for existence.

Everyone and everything takes a hit because that’s how it all got here. Hit the drum head and there is heard the full story. Emptiness made auditory.

Making everything in relative state of vibes that come and go. Of illness too. Because something is always taking a hit in order to exist.

It’s all there all the time. It walks and talks in “broken brokenness.” What makes “broken brokenness” different from wholeness is it can take into account why things break in order to keep happening.

Broken brokenness doesn’t try to deal permanently with continual loss because it needs it. Life itself re-visioned as a form of incurable illness. Nobody dies from a stray bullet or heart attack. Death happens because life itself is terminal.

If a cure was found for death, life would hang itself. Because this streaming moment would be irretrievably stopped forever.

Nobody can hand out a death sentence. The pretenders are putting on a fabulous show claiming to wield the power to take it all away. While navigating the same boat water as their audience.

Just to be here is to partake of the way things go down. Loss the price of admission.

What must reality be like in order to fit the way things truly are. Nobody’s got the inside edge. Without saying a word it’s all been here showing us itself all the time.

Because it’s us.


The bare bonez wand ritual is considerably done in a cloud of unknowing wearing a veil of ignorance. Based on the belief that’s a host of daemonic powers are making their wishes known through the movements of a pendulum.

What is being revealed in those pendulum swings is the direction to point to two wands. It is further assumed that those two directions represent the coordinates of one target. This means even though when the wands are pointed in diametrically opposed directions they are assumed to be hitting the same target.

The the nature of that one target is what’s up for exploration. Because if the ritual is shrouded in “don’t know” darkness, it is ripe for floating a theory about what is happening.

Because what if the ritual is a form of magic? It isn’t inconceivable to assume the target is a pocket of dark energy. If so, the goal could be to hit the target to transforms it into something else.

Could this be what’s going on? Consider what is meant by positive light and negative dark energy. Is positive energy life supporting while negative energy destructive?

This doesn’t mean that what’s positive necessarily transforms into what’s negative because the two could be arising from separate sources. This theory imagines one source by holding negative energy is spent positive energy.

If so, positive energy supports life leaving the target to be pockets of negative energy. Because the hoped for ritual intent is to do good not harm.

If the apex of positive energy happens at its point of conception that then begins a death spiral as it’s being used up, a natural death would conceivably happen when all the positive energy is spent. Meaning at the point of conception the energy tank is full and at death empty.

If so, this should mean that even though dark energy takes a targeted hit, at some point all available life energy will be still be gone. What’s been overlooked in the analysis thus far is that what been assumed is that there is only usable and spent energy. What if there’s a third form of energy called “double dark” energy.

Think of this as negated negativity energy not unlike a total eclipse of the sun.


Imagine what a total eclipse could energetically symbolize. Happening when the moon’s reflective light is blocked by the earth while the sun’s light is being obstructed by the moon.

Metaphorically a total eclipse could be used to symbolize a form of double negative dark energy. A moment when the earth is shrouded in total darkness at high noon.

A few definitions need to be made. If positive light energy is generative, creative and life giving, having been spent what’s left is like a vacuum of negative destructive energy. What if the target’s goal was to give that pocket of destructive used energy an alchemy type hit? In such a way it was transformed into something new by negating its very negativity?

Where spent energy is changed into a double negative energy by turning it inside-out. A double negative energy that can be used as if positive energy but is actually a form of spent energy. If so, double dark energy could be new regenerative energy.

Like a total eclipse a new form of darkness that isn’t happening at night symbolizing a new life supporting regenerative energy capable of supercharging life’s usable energy. This would mean there are three not two kinds of energy: generative, degenerative and regenerative.

The first and last presumed life supporting. Could the underlying bare bonez ritual really be a means to target pockets of dark negative energy transforming them into sources of double dark regenerative energy? If so, how’d that be?