Body be

“Body be” is a theory that supposes the world is like a private soap bubble that only the owner experiences. It’s what we truly own. The only thing we’ve ever known.

It’s a world that came into existence at conception that expires at death. To be a body is to be a world.

When a bird is heard singing outside, there no “I” to hear the bird chirp. Nor are we literally whatever is on the other side of the relation.

What’s being heard is hearing itself capturing a symbolic representative vibration, then processing it into a sound. This means there’s no “self” doing anything as in “I hear you.”

What’s happening is more like, “I am the seeing of you.” The “I” is the seeing, hearing, touching tasting and smelling. Not a detached witness experiencing what’s happening.

If so, we are the content creators for whatever we experience. How is this possible?

Something like an artistically designed world with sense objects having their own artificial intelligence experienced as our holographic and stereo brain. With camera eyes and microphone ears, there’s this amazing reality show happening. A live video feed rendered as sight and sound.

If we are “content creators” it should be understood as our world being body processed. We don’t look out into our world. It comes to us.

Not unlike images being sent back to us from outer space taking time to reach us then processed into information we can understand. Imagine sensory objects as symbols symbolizing whatever it is that they’re representing.

If so, when seeing ourselves in a mirror we see an image of our body. The image of our body symbolizes our body. Our body is the experience of seeing the representative image of ourselves.

If so, all experience is symbolically body based whether it’s a thought thought, a feeling felt, a sight seen or sound heard. Any experience is language for the sake of information.

This means “I” am not seeing things. I am the seeing of things.

We don’t wave our hand. We are the waving of our hand.

Because we don’t have a body. We are a body.

As such all sense objects are uniquely ours. We are the only one who’s having this particular experience of our world. Others are experiencing their own body worlds.

We have never seen, heard or felt the body worlds of others nor they ours. If so, there’s no way to verify whether or not what’s being symbolically represented stands for something that’s actually there.

We can’t get outside our world to verify whether or not it could be a body contained magic show happening on soap bubble film experienced from inside. Magic shows that were never substantive when they pop.

We are stuck with assuming sense objects are representative images symbolizing a world that nobody but us has experienced. While theories can’t dispel a mystery, they can be better than none if they have plausible explanatory power.

For instance, if there is something backing up sense objects when our bodies die there’d be something substantive on which to base other body worlds arriving and departing. When our own unique never-to-be-repeated world comes to and end, the literal world remains.

Anything experienced be it a rock, thought, music, and quantum physics are symbolic systems. As such languages. If the occult is also a form of carnal knowledge, we’d be in a better positioned to explain why and how information gained from telepathy could exist.

Who do

When we see something is there a seer causing it to happen? A “who” in the eyeball or brain? Running the show hidden in the background like the Wizard of Oz?

Or maybe if we looked for this causal actor called the “I” or “self” we find the lights on but nobody at home. Like what if thoughts think themselves? Making the causal agent “I” a theatrical construct dramatically scripted to be there but really can’t be found?

If the self isn’t an actor but a witness to whatever’s happening, the self doesn’t do anything other than sit in the audience watching what’s happening on the world stage. “Who do” assumes something like an actor “I” or witness self must be present all the time.

What if this doer or witness went “poof?” Would life go on without the slightest hiccup as if nothing happened?

Check it out for yourself. Think a thought to see if a thinker can be found causing the thought. What’d ya find?

What if “Who do” has some hidden assumptions buzzing around like a fly trapped inside a beer bottle trying to find a way out? Doesn’t the question assume there must be a “who” in order to do? When a who might not be needed to do at all.

Without a “who” problems arise like who’s to praise or blame when something goes right or wrong. If for no other reason a self may need to be assumed for the sake of holding someone responsible for an action or claim legal ownership. Aren’t documents are signed for this very reason?

If the self is a witness to whatever is happening, what’s there to hold accountable? No accountability because the who then only observers what the mind, body and emotions are doing.

What if doer verses witness is a false dilemma? The self, after all, could be the very action taking place rather than its instigator.

How might this conceptual construct sound? “I don’t see you because I’m the seeing of you.” Or “I’m not the thinker of my thoughts because I’m the thinking of my thoughts.” That’d mean I am a thinkerless thinking. feelerless feeling, hearerless hearing of whatever’s taking place.

I’d not then be a doer or witness but the action itself. Not the one having an experience but the experience.

If so, two problems would be sidestepped. The witness who doesn’t act so can’t be held accountable and a Wizard of Oz type self making it all happen.

Our language constructs are the agreed upon ways of talking about the experiences we’re having. A sentence like computer code outputs our world. Change the code and wallah, the way the world is experienced correspondingly changes.

If when a finger is wiggled we think, “I wiggled my finger,” we’re in Oz. Or when we wiggle a finger thinking we watched the body do it, we’re untouchable. When a finger is wiggled while silently holding that’s me wiggling, we’re in Bonezland.

When the self is assumed to be the witness or doer that hangs in the background waiting for its next assignment, that makes the “I” sustainable. A drop of permanence in a sea of impermanence where nothing stays tacked down for long.

Leaving Oz for Bonezland the self appears and disappears depending on what’s happening. A fluid self that can come and go in and out of existence with every thought and spoken word. Opening to a vista of intense richness and fullness of perception as if the world is reborn.


If in the beginning was the void what, if anything, was before the void? Perhaps a wholly-other God that neither is nor isn’t? An unimaginable daemon that miraculously created a formless, timeless, spaceless, emptiness out-of-nothing?

Imagine that freshly minted void next compressing down into the solidified emptiness called this universe, Where in the world is this world happening?

Consider someone who’s sitting in a chair looking down at their hands and feet. Then they notice another person’s hands and feet sitting across the room. What’s the difference between experiencing one’s own hands and feet and those of another?

Does ownership come to mind? Like these are mine and those yours. Why use possessive pronouns to make a self from other distinction?

Is it because when touching one’s own hand there’s separate feelings of touching and being touched. When touching another’s hand there’s only the sensation of touching someone else? Rooted first bodily followed by a conceptual construct?

When something is seen and heard is it pretty much the same? I watch my fingers wiggle when they wiggle or hear my voice when something is said. For me the structure seems dual. My experience of what another is doing singular because only they make it happen.

When it comes to thinking and feeling where is that happening? Since nobody else knows what we’re thinking or feeling isn’t this because it’s privately happening “in here.” Which also sorts-out self from other and what’s happening inside from outside.

The kicker… these asymmetrical nuances between inner/outer self/other could translate this world into my world with me as its sole owner. Where is it all happening? Perhaps each body creating its own unique world.

If so, whatever is happening inside/out self/other is a body based world. When I see my hands or hear my voice or that of another I’m not seeing myself or another but seeing and hearing my world. Same goes for thoughts and feelings.

This might help explain why nobody knows what anyone else is actually experiencing because to be a body is to have a separate world. Meaning we’re not so much in and of separate worlds but are separate worlds unto ourselves. If so, that’d suggest there are as many separate worlds, bodies, as there are sentient bodies able to consciously experience them.

What if there are then as many unique universes as there are sentient things experiencing them. Without the ability to break the experiential wall down, there’s no way to verify what another’s experience must be actually like. Making worlds as unique as there are different body shapes and sizes.

What we see, hear or touch isn’t our body or that of another but something like an avatar that symbolically represents what’s truly there. Things “out there” not unlike a game avatar being controlled by a masked player.

Making all those who populate our world, including ourselves, symbolic avatars representing bodily experience. Worlds “out there” symbolically we know exist just can’t literally experience what it’s like to be.

If so, we never encounter anything but our own body from the time we wake-up to go to bed. Meaning there’s no “out there” out there let alone “in here” in here. The reason why is it’s all the body no matter what or where it’s happening.

Making the body itself what’s being seen and not that image we think is our body when seeing ourselves in a mirror. If so, we are as bodies living worlds creating symbolic representations of and for whatever is being experienced. Nor are thoughts and feelings happening “inside” us when the boundary between inside/outside self/other vanishes into thin air.

Making being a body not unlike streaming a live video with us in it as its content creator. Each a unique world happening from a different point-of-view, having its own plot, unfolding like a seed into a flower.

If not, what else could “this” be?