
What can be said is only done symbolically. What can be done only with action. End of story?

What’s the point calling the obvious into question? A marriage ceremony results in a real marriage?

Or was it just so many words pronounced when in fact nothing really transpired at all? Only a delusional belief making it now a socially accepted imaginary fact?

Does the body continually speak silently about deeper truths that neither the heart nor mind knows? Making tacit unconscious bodily knowledge knowable only in part by heart and mind through feeling and symbolic representation?

Is to say, “this is this,” one thing? “This is that,” another? If so, why would the difference, assuming there is one, matter?

If being married is delusional, what wasn’t delusional is the fact a ceremony took place. What just happened? Body presence before any words were said did speak.

“Sticks and stones may break my bones but names will never hurt me,” so the saying goes. How true is that saying? Really?

Who wants to be held accountable for what is said over and against what is done let alone felt? The break between word and deed can be salvific like waking-up from a dream better kept secret.

Is anonymity used as protection because of the fear what is said will be equated with what is done? That emotional black and blue won’t treated any differently than physical black and blue?

Assuming things can be done with words, what is it that can be done? Assuming things can be said with action, what can possibly be said?

If someone is found to be in the habit of saying one thing and doing another they may get branded with a supposed character flaw called, “lack of integrity.” That means, of course, one’s word should be but isn’t their bond. No problem there, if accepted.

If “this is this and that’s that” could be defined as the reality principle, perhaps the magic principle could be defined as “this is that, that’s this.” Magic because this really can’t be that nor that this. If so, this might be where the “as if” formula kicks in.

When two things that can’t be each other yet are made to be as if they’re the same, the “as if” acts like a modus operandi principle to get things done. Might say using the “as if” principle could be construed to be an instance of magic evoked?

Maybe not normally defined as “magic” per se because in civilized empiric reality, magic no longer exists assuming it ever did. What if it still exists forced underground making it an unconscious operative? Still influencing what’s happening above ground hiding under the nose of rational conscious light of day?

If so, what is being proposed is that the ability to do things with words and say things with actions are powerful magic operates still in unconscious use today. Once recognized as such can be embraced with conscious intent to reshape empiric rational reality.

Magical intents used to modify reality with words while saying with silent body speak the way things are to be. If so, new realities might be spoken into existence along with the way things are changing articulated through what is being done.

Meaning magic is found at the intersection between word and deed where the two are one without fusion or confusion. Not unlike light passing through a window pane.

If so, bodies silently speak the true nature of reality. Symbols become part of a reality changing toolbox. Where the new magic is the one being already used daily no longer operating unconsciously.

Double darkness

To unpack “double darkness” a few metaphors need to come into play. Let’s say figuratively speaking generation is to light, degeneration to darkness and double darkness to regeneration.

The meridian system as one of many ways to talk about occult energy configurations. Energy being stepped down emptiness when the void comes into existence setting the stage for its final descent into matter.

In this model the first truncation of emptiness into energy is generation. The moment something moves from emptiness into existence it begins to degenerate. The reason why is because emptiness is whole, stable and undefined while what comes into existence is partial, unstable and defined.

Devolved emptiness is why everything that comes into existence in a constant state of change. The reason why nothing lasts. Is terminal.

What exists is this moment. This moment is simultaneously in a state of generation and degeneration because while the void is lossless existence isn’t. Metaphorically light is to generation as darkness is degeneration. Both come into existence together simultaneously or not at all.

If existence wasn’t degenerating there’s be no vacuum for newly generated energy to fill. Like walking each new step is a fall caught before it completes the forward action. Likewise what exists is in a constant state of imbalance as it moves from conception to death.

In meridian system theory there is only two primary cycles. Creation and destruction like light and darkness that are co-creating this present moment momentary experience.

Because the universe itself is terminal, existence mirrors energy being generated and spent. Can anything be done to offset this spiraling cycle of creation and destruction in a helpful way?

There might be a theoretical way. That way is double darkness.

Double darkness is the destructive cycle turned upside-down inside-out. In that sense double darkness is not a new stand alone cycle.

Double darkness would be regenerative. Since the inherent nature of destruction is to destroy what is being created to keep what is devolving moving forward, if reversed it could reuse spent energy as a source of meridian system self-renewal.

What makes regeneration possible is that the inherent nature of degeneration is to do exactly what it is supposed to do. Destroy whatever is. If the degeneration cycle is turned in upon itself it could self-destructs assuming it carries the seed of its own self-destruction.

Newly generated energy gets used and spent like breathing fresh air in and expelling used air. Fresh energy destroyed through consumption. If it is not expelled but treated and recycled back into the meridian system the reclaimed energy could regenerate the system.

If so, what if used spent energy could be homeopathically treated so that it could be reused as as if it where fresh incoming energy?

In meridian system nomenclature sheng cycle can be referred to as generative and the ko cycle degenerative. Rarely mentioned, reconstituted spend energy has been referred to as the “reverse-ko cycle.”

Not unlike making a homeopathic poisonous medicine otherwise deadly now used for healing if treated properly, so too the destructive cycle can presumably be used to have its own regenerative effect. If interested, the five element meridian regeneration chi flow would be to rearrange earth, wood, fire, metal, water elements in such a way as to create rising steam as a new element.

Steam figuratively being the new element metaphor for regeneration. Upon the earth element burning wood heats a metal cauldron holding boiling water being transformed into steam. Steam like in an indigenous peoples sweat lodge ceremony useful for energetically treating illness.

As movement from conception to death progresses, the ability of the meridian system to metabolize fresh energy decreases. Outwardly seen as the body ages. Regenerating spent energy can help offset the aging process smoothing out some of its rough edges.

Regeneration is not salvation. Not another immortality project.

If a lizard that had its tail bitten off grows a new one, it still eventually dies. While the lizard isn’t saved, it’s a safe bet it sure likes having a new tail.

Double darkness is one way to describe an occult energetic possibility where the dark energy has been flipped upside-down turned inside-out in order to reuse spent energy as good as a drink of treated reclaimed water. It is like having an animal plant air exchange within one’s own meridian system.

Like a new-moon total eclipse high noon daytime darkness useful for a magically taking the hard edges off the aging process with the goal of offsetting some of the meridian system’s natural entropy. Made possible if degeneration inherently carries the seed of its own self-destruction.

Desireless desire

“Desireless desire” looks like an oxymoron if there ever was one. Is it possible to be in two diametrically opposed states simultaneously? Even if it was possible, why would it matter?

What happens when something, someone, anything is wanted? There’s seems to be a gap between having and not having something where desire is the felt motivation to close the gap. Once what is desired has been obtained the gap is closed and the desire it fulfilled.

Of course, the desire door swings both ways. It’s just as possible to desire to get rid of something not wanted.

On the other hand desirelessness would seem to suggest contentment with the status quo. When there’s nothing to get rid of and nothing to get, it seems reasonable to assume happiness has been won. Or has it?

What happens when there’s something wanted that was initially exciting to go after and the initial luster to attain it starts to wear off?

Boredom with the project with a deadline looming can be offset with the goal of getting rewarded for finishing it. Time to man-up and get back to work?

If that doesn’t work, call in the motivational speaker or try to look at the project from a new angle. Anything to get the creative juices flowing again.

What might be the underlying problem? Interest is married to what’s new. Boredom to what’s old. Get a divorce and get it on with the new?

Maybe that works sometimes. What if a way could be found that doesn’t rely on the need to be first motivated to keep the forward movement wheel spinning. What if the underlying problem originated in the workflow itself?

Desireless desire has two hands. The desireless hand is closed wrapped what its got. Desiring hand is open waiting for what’s wanted to arrive.

What if a new way to proceed could arise to go forward honoring both hands?

If so, being closed and open at the same time would seem to suggest desireless desire means motivation and action have changed places. This would be the case because rather than getting motivated to act, action itself becomes the means to become interested in the project at hand.

Reversing the time cart and horse becomes possible because the fuel needed to keep the project moving forward has always been inherent in the project itself. That means that the energy never really dries up. Making the error in assuming motivation stands separate from action.

The work itself is used to tap the interest in what is being done. The problem was in believing that the initial interest was separate from the project.

No need to fight boredom by seeking fresh interest to get the ball rolling again. Radically accept the current state of blah and act despite. It is like heads and tails of the one project coin.

Initially the side is up showing the excitement and the work side is down. Once the work has started the enthusiasm side goes down. The interest is still here but now hidden under the coin’s work side.

The way to test this theory is to see if it can be put into practice. If the interest in the project never went away because “desireless desire” means lost interest is hidden desire, it can be recovered by simply moving forward.

If not, then motivation isn’t inherent in the project at hand. If so, a fresh injection of motivation from an outside source may be what is needed.

What if the theory tested appears to have some promise when all else fails? Making the way out of the motivation first before action trap possible by magically evoking “desireless desire” whenever needed? If that happens rather than putting food on the motivational speaker’s table, we’ll be putting it on ours instead.